Event Details

Debate Competition

  • 2023-06-05
  • 2023-06-05


About the Event

Communication is a fundamental need for human beings to sustain in the world. Having good communication skills plays a major role in developing the overall personality or to make a person successful. The debate is a discussion on a subject on which several people share their different opinions, it can be favourable towards the topic or it can be non-favourable.

In today’s competitive world it is very essential to teach your child about the outside world. There are numerous ways to make them aware of the outer world. Nowadays, Students are largely engaged in technology and not getting involved in actual intercommunication. So, this arises the need to motivate to get involved and participate in debates. These competitions help them to develop self-expression.

debate can be easily analyzed if we focus on its benefits. Participating in debates builds up the confidence of the students to speak to people being upfront as they have gone through the arguments in their lives. Having a clear mindset is very essential because it enables you to think to a greater extent and debate broadens your thinking capacity. The opportunities to participate in debate competition is growing these days and children can take part in it at different levels.

Objective, Outcome and Learning of the Debate Competition


The primary Objective of a debate is for students to generate effective critical thinking into primary issues in the given topic.

Through active participation in the debate activity, students will…

1.     compare and discriminate between ideas.

2.     verify the value of evidence for concept.

3.     resolve controversies,

4.     recognize strengths and weaknesses of arguments,


Debate Competition for students is very influential as it helps them to boost their confidence, remove the fear of speaking in public, develop critical thinking, how to think and communicate under pressure.


To give students a clear understanding of where they are headed, well-written learning objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Result-oriented, and Time-bound (SMART).

Students’ registration details-

 Details of Faculty Coordinator/ Co-Coordinator Name of Club/Department – Aabil Husain, Assistant Professor 

Name of the event- Debate Competition

Date of the event- 05/06/2023

Venue of the event- New Conventional Hall, Law Building,PIMRG

Total number of Participants along with name of course and semester- 14, Law Xth Sem

Panel / resource person/ judges in the event- AP Ashish Yadav, AP Anurag Sharma, AP Jyoti