"The college ensures optimal allocation and utilization of the available financial resources for maintenance and upkeep of different facilities by holding regular meetings of various committees constituted for this purpose as per the requirements in the interest of students. There is systematic disposal of waste of all types such as bio-degradable, wet and dry waste.
A suggestion box is installed in the Institute at various places to take users' feedback.
Maintenance of all major equipments are done regularly through AMC and non-repairable systems are disposed off.
Classrooms-The Institute has a Resident engineer and Administrative officer for new construction and for maintenance and upkeep of infrastructure. At the departmental level, HoDs submit their requirements to the Director regarding classroom furniture and others. The college development fund is utilized for the maintenance and minor repair of furniture and other electrical equipments. With the help of the eight full-time sweepers, the cleanliness of classrooms is maintained. They are well equipped with modern tools of cleaning such as mops, gloves, and vacuum cleaner. A complaint register is maintained in the office in which students as well as faculty can register their problems which are resolved within a set time frame. Students are sensitized regarding cleanliness and motivated for energy conservation by careful use of electricity in classrooms."