She obtained Master of Business Administration from VIT University, Vellore. She has two years of corporate experience in Banking sector. Her area of interest is Human Resource Management.
1. 1. Bhakar, S.S., Gulati, C., Kaurav, R.P.S & Saxena, H(2018). Measure, Manage & Faciliate Change to Harness Organizational Potential,Vol. 2, ISBN: ISBN: 978-93-86608-56-7
2. Bhakar, S.S., Gulati, C., Kaurav, R.P.S & Saxena, H(2018). Measure, Manage & Faciliate Change to Harness Organizational Potential, ISBN: 978-93-86608-29-1
1.Bhakar, S.S., Rajput, S., Gulati, C. and Kaurav, R.P.S. (2017). Strengthening Strategies, Shaping Policies and Empowering Personnel: Key to Organizational Competitiveness, ISBN: 978-81-933172-7-3.
Bhakar, S.S., Maheshwari, A.,Rajput, S. and Gulati, C. (2017). Mastering Supply Chain Intricacies For Market Leadership,Vol.2. (ISBN: 978-93-85000-78-2)
5. Bhakar, S.S., Gulati, C., and Sankpal, S. (2017). Research Perspectives in Social Sciences, ISBN: 978-93-86608-06-2
6. Bhakar, S. S., Rajput, S., Gulati, C., Kaurav , R.P.S. (2017), Strengthening Strategies, Shaping Policies and Empowering Personal: Key to Organizational Competitiveness,Vol. 2, Bharati Publications: New Delhi, ISBN 978-81-85000-81-2.
7. Bhakar, S.S., Gulati, C, Mathur, G. and Pathak, R. (2016). Global Advancements in HRM: Innovations & Practices, ISBN: 978-93-85000-96-6
8. Bhakar, S.S., Maheshwari, A.,Rajput, S. and Gulati, C. (2016). Mastering Supply Chain Intricacies For Market Leadership,Vol.1. (ISBN: 978-93-85000-53-9)
Gulati, C., Parashar, P., Gupta, A., Jain, E., Mishra, A., Mahajan, R., Sakshi, Choudhary, S., & Sengar, C. (2022). Brand Communication, Employee belief and Citizenship Behaviour: A Study of Hospitality Sector. Handbook on Writing Research Paper in Social Science Using Advance Tools, Blue Rose publications: New Delhi, 139-47, ISBN- 978-5628-223-0.
Gulati, C., Upadhyay, Y., and Mathur, G. (2021). Internal and External Fit Scores as Predictors of Brand Internalization, JIMS8M: The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy, 26(3),48-58. ISSN: 0973-9335 (WoS, UGC Care) DOI No. 10.5958/0973-9343.2021.00018.1
Gulati, C., and Sankpal,S. (2021). Impact of Perceived Organizational Politics on Job Dedication: The Mediating Role of Emotional Stability, South Asian Journal of Management (SAJM), 28(4), 77-94 (ABDC- C)
Gulati, C., Upadhyay, Y., and Mathur, G. (2020). Congruence and Internalization as predictor of Citizenship Behaviour: Empirical Investigation using PLS , Effulgence, 18 (1), 11-22. (ISSN(O)-2456-6675; ISSN (P)-0972-8058).
Sharma, B., Sankpal, S., and Gulati, C. (2020). Factors affecting the perception of students towards e-learning, International Journal of Management, Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2020, pp. 1885-1896, ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 DOI:10.34218/IJM.11.10.2020.177
Gulati, C., & Baber, P. (2020). Measures of Central Tendencies. An SPSS Guide for Tourism, Hospitality and Events Researchers, Routledge. (ISBN- 9780367236588) .
7. 1.Gulati, C., Parashar,P., Gupta, R., Sharma,P., Baranwal,M.(2019). Absenteeism Apprehension, The Case Center, Reference no. 419-0026-1 (
Gulati, C., and Mathur, G. (2019). Fit, Identification and Employees’ Overall Brand Evaluation: An Empirical Analysis using PLS, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8 (3), 3182-3185. (Scopus, ISSN: 2277-3878), DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.C4908.098319.
Gulati, C., Parashar,P., Gupta, R., Sharma,P., Baranwal,M.(2019).Absenteeism Apprehension, The Case Center, Reference no. 419-0026-1 ( ).
Gulati, C., Chaturvedi, A., Verma, M., Kotekar, V., Parashar, A., & Parashar, D. (2019). A Study of Deviant Workplace Behavior and Withdrawal Intentions in Education Sector. Insights of Social Science Research, Chapter 14, pp. 212-222. ISBN 978-81-942473-1-9.
11. 2.Gulati, C., Mathur, G., and Upadhyay, Y. (2018). Engaging Through Internal Branding In Education Sector, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 5 (12), 93-99. (ISSN-2349-5162)
Gulati, C., Chaturvedi, A., Sharma,P., Chaudhary, U., Sharma, A., & Kumari, S. (2018). Key Skills to Employability in Perspective of Management Graduates & Executives. Research Perspectives in Social Sciences, Chapter 14, pp.185-192. ISBN 978-93-86608-64-2
13. Gulati, C., Sharma, S., and Parashar, A., (2017). Studentsâ Perception Towards Selection of Coaching Institute, Strengthening Strategies, Shaping Policies and Empowering Personnel: Key to Organizational Competitiveness, Vol. 2, pp.511-519, ISBN 978-93-85000-81-2
14. Gulati, C., Chaturvedi, Alka., Upamannyu, N.K. and Gupta, P. (2016). Burnout and Turnover Intentions: A Study among Faculty Members, Mastering Supply Chain Intricacies For Market Leadership,Vol.1, pp.337-342. (ISBN: 978-93-85000-53-9)
15. Gulati, C., Upamannyu, N.K. and Agarwal, R. (2016). Attend or, Not to Attend Classes: A Study of Studentâs Perception, Creative and Innovative Excellence for World in Motion, Vol.2, pp.352-356. (ISBN: 978-93-85000-49-2)
16. Upamannyu, N.K., Gulati,C., Raja, Kausar., Gupta, Sonam.and Kothekar, Pratiksha. (2015).The Effect of Brand Trust, Brand Loyaltyon Brand Performance: A Case of Instant Tea Product in India, Creative & Innovative Excellence for World in Motion, Vol. 1, pp. 103-118.
17. Upamannyu, N.K., Gulati,C., Chack, Ankita. and Kaur, Gurvinder. (2015). The Effect Of Customer Trust On Customer Loyalty And Repurchase Intention: The Moderating Influence Of Perceived CSR , International Journal of Research in IT, Management and Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp. 1-31, ISSN 2249-1619
18. Sankpal, S. , Chauhan, R. ,Gulati, C. ,Shringrishi, P. ,Chauhan, P. ,Jain, D. 2015.PUSHING TOWARDS ENTREPRENEURSHIP , The Case Center, Ref. No. 815-039-1 with Teaching Notes, Ref. No. 815-039-8 .
19. Sankpal, S. ,Gulati, C. ,Chauhan, R.,Shringrishi, P. ,Chauhan, P. ,Jain, D. 2015.OFFICE INTERSECTION , The Case Center, Ref. No. 415-074-1 with Teaching Notes, Ref. No. 415-074-8 .
20. Sankpal, S. , Chauhan, R. ,Gulati, C. ,Shringrishi, P. ,Chauhan, P. ,Jain, D. 2015.HOMETOWN OASIS: SUCCESS STORY , The Case Center, Ref. No. 815-038-1 with Teaching Notes, Ref. No. 815-038-8 .
21. Sankpal, S. ,Gulati, C. ,Chauhan, R.,Shringrishi, P. ,Chauhan, P. ,Jain, D. 2015.MONEY ON MY MIND , The Case Center, Ref. No. 415-067-1 with Teaching Notes, Ref. No. 415-067-8 .
22. Upamannyu, N.K., Gulati, C., Raja, K., Gupta, S. and Kothekar, P. (2015). The Effect of Brand Trust, Brand Affect, Brand Loyalty on Brand Performance: A Case of Instant Tea Product in India, Creative and Innovative Excellence for World in Motion, Vol.1, pp. 103-118.(ISBN: 978-93-81212-98-1)
23. Gulati, C. , Dua, B., Agrawal, V. , Dubey, S., Hasan, A., Parmar, D. (2015). A PERCEPTIVE ENTREPRENEUR AT THE CROSSROAD, The Case Center, Reference no. 815-088-1 with Teaching Notes, Reference no. 815-088-8.
24. Dua, B., Gulati, C. , Agrawal, V. , Dubey, S., Hasan, A., Parmar, D. (2015). DYNAMICS OF CORPORATE SUCCESS AND DECLINE: THE ICARUS PARADOX, The Case Center, Reference no. 815-087-1 with Teaching Notes, Reference no. 815-087-8.
25. Sankpal, S., Chauhan, R., Gulati, C., Shringrishi, P. ,Chauhan, P. ,Jain, D. (2015).PUSHING TOWARDS ENTREPRENEURSHIP, The Case Center, Ref. No. 815-039-1 with Teaching Notes, Ref. No. 815-039-8.
26. Sankpal, S., Gulati, C., Chauhan, R., Shringrishi, P. ,Chauhan, P. ,Jain, D. (2015).OFFICE INTERSECTION, The Case Center, Ref. No. 415-074-1 with Teaching Notes, Ref. No. 415-074-8.
27. Sankpal, S.,Chauhan, R.,Gulati, C.,Shringrishi,P.,Chauhan, P. ,Jain, D. (2015).HOMETOWN OASIS: SUCCESS STORY, The Case Center, Ref. No. 815-038-1 with Teaching Notes, Ref. No. 815-038-8.
28. Sankpal, S.,Gulati, C.,Chauhan, R.,Shringrishi, P.,Chauhan, P., Jain, D. (2015).MONEY ON MY MIND , The Case Center, Ref. No. 415-067-1 with Teaching Notes, Ref. No. 415-067-8.
29. Mittal, M. ,Gulati, C., Chauhan, R., Kothari, R., Khandelwal, S., Sharma, S. (2014). Greener Quest, The Case Centre, Ref. No. 614-009-1 with Teaching Notes, Ref. No. 614-009-8.
30. Mittal, M. ,Gulati, C., Chauhan, R., Kothari, R., Khandelwal, S., Sharma, S. (2014). Itâs Time to Move On, The Case Centre, Ref. No. 414-026-1 with Teaching Notes, Ref. No. 414-026-8.
31. Mittal, M. ,Gulati, C., Chauhan, R., Kothari, R., Khandelwal, S., Sharma, S. (2014). Money or, Dignity, The Case Centre, Ref. No. 414-027-1 with Teaching Notes, Ref. No. 414-027-8.
32. Mittal, M. ,Gulati, C., Chauhan, R., Kothari, R., Khandelwal, S., Sharma, S. (2014). Greener Quest,The Case Centre, Ref. No. 614-009-1 with Teaching Notes, Ref. No. 614-009-8.
33. Mittal, M. ,Gulati, C., Chauhan, R., Kothari, R., Khandelwal, S., Sharma, S. (2014). Itâs Time to Move On, The Case Centre, Ref. No. 414-026-1 with Teaching Notes, Ref. No. 414-026-8.
34. Mittal, M. ,Gulati, C., Chauhan, R., Kothari, R., Khandelwal, S., Sharma, S. (2014). Money or, Dignity, The Case Centre, Ref. No. 414-027-1 with Teaching Notes, Ref. No. 414-027-8.
35. Gulati, C. and Ratnakar, P. (2012). Rewards, Job Satisfaction And Commitment: A Study Among Management Faculties, Global Advances and Innovations in IT and Management, Vol.1, pp.460-470
36. Ratnakar, P.,Upamannyu, N.K. and Gulati, C.(2012). Impact of Financial Information on Stock Prices in the BSE-An Empirical Research, Global Advances and Innovations in IT and Management, Vol.1, pp.92-105
37. Gulati, C. and Ratnakar, P. (2012). Rewards, Job Satisfaction And Commitment: A Study Among Management Faculties, Global Advances and Innovations in IT and Management, Vol.1, pp.460-470.(ISBN: 978-93-82563-57-0)
38. Ratnakar, P.,Upamannyu, N.K. and Gulati, C.(2012). Impact of Financial Information on Stock Prices in the BSE-An Empirical Research, Global Advances and Innovations in IT and Management, Vol.1, pp.92-105. (ISBN: 978-93-82563-57-0)
Gulati, C., and Sankpal,S. (2021). Role of Emotional Stability and Organizational Politics in Job Dedication, South Asian Journal of Management (SAJM), 28(4), 77-94 (ABDC- C)
2. 1. Gulati, C., Chaturvedi, A., Sharma,P., Chaudhary, U., Sharma, A., & Kumari, S. (2018). Key Skills to Employability in Perspective of Management Graduates & Executives. Research Perspectives in Social Sciences, Chapter 14, pp.185-192. ISBN 978-93-86608-64-2
Gulati, C., Upadhyay, Y., and Mathur, G. (2021). Internal and External Fit Scores as Predictors of Brand Internalization, JIMS8M: The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy, 26(3), 48-58. ISSN: 0973-9335 (WoS, UGC Care), DOI No. 10.5958/0973-9343.2021.00018.1
4. Gulati, C., Mathur, G., Parashar, A., and Parashar, P. (2017). A Study of Compensation Factors and Employee Commitment in Banking. Innovation and Emerging Trends in Business Management and Information Technology, Vol. 1, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-93-86439-07-9.
5. Gulati, C., Chaturvedi, A., Pachauri, D., Tomar, M., & Kulshestha, P. (2017). Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Role Efficacy on Job Satisfaction: A Gender Based Study. Research Perspectives in Social Sciences, Chapter 15, pp.216-26. ISBN 978-93-86608-06-2
6. Gulati, C., and Parashar, A. (2016). Effect of Role Stress on Job Satisfaction in Banking Sector. Global Advancements in HRM: Innovations & Practices, Chapter 12, pp.-98-104.
7. Upamannyu, N.K., Gulati, C. and Gangil, R. (2016). Customer Satisfaction Is An Outcome Of Service Quality And Corporate Image In Context Of Telecom Sector In India. Sustainable Competitive Advantage through Integrated Marketing Approach, 29, 275-291.
8. Parashar, P., Singh,M.K., Gulati, C., Chaturvedi,A.(2016). Evaluating Impact Of Demographics On Trust In Perspective Of Online Transaction. Sustainable Competitive Advantage through Integrated Marketing Approach, 35, 342-352.
9. Upamannyu, N.K., Gulati,C., Chack, Ankita. and Kaur, Gurvinder. (2015). The Effect Of Customer Trust On Customer Loyalty And Repurchase Intention: The Moderating Influence Of Perceived CSR , International Journal of Research in IT, Management and Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp. 1-31. (ISSN- 2249-1619) IJRIME SCOPUS ID:AFCA7E6A7C1F9926.
10. Gulati, C. , Upamannyu, N.K. and Kulshrestha, P. (2015). Perceived Organizational Support And Withdrawal Intentions: A Study Among Faculty Members, Redefining the human resource paradigm in Changing Cultural, Social and Economic Environment, pp. 116-122. (ISBN: 978-93-85000-10-2).
11. Mathur,G., Banerjee, R., Gulati, C., Prasad, K. S., Nagori, P., Bansal, A., Singh, A., Jain, M., Upadhyay, S., Salunke, M., & Anushruti (2015). Perceived Self efficacy, Student Intention Certainty and motivation: A study of students. A Handbook on Writing Research Paper in Social Sciences, 4, 86-98.(ISBN: 978-93-85000-27-0).
12. Mathur,G., Banerjee, R., Gulati, C., Prasad, K. S., Nagori, P., Bansal, A., Singh, A., Jain, M., Upadhyay, S., Salunke, M., & Anushruti. (2015).Quality of Work Life and Job satisfaction in print media. A handbook on Writing Research Paper in Social Sciences, 5, 99-105.(ISBN: 978-93-85000-27-0).
13. Gulati, C. , Upamannyu, N.K. and Kulshrestha, P. (2015). Perceived Organizational Support And Withdrawal Intentions: A Study Among Faculty Members, Redefining the human resource paradigm in Changing Cultural, Social and Economic Environment, pp. 116-122, ISBN: 978-93-85000-10-2
14. Upamannyu, N.K., Gulati, C. and Mathur,G (2014). Effect of brand trust, brand image on customer brand loyalty in FMCG Sector at Gwalior region, Scholars World International Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research, Volume II, Issue II, pp.83-93, (EISSN-2320-3145).
15. Upamannyu, N.K., Gulati, C. and Mathur,G (2014). Effect of brand trust, brand image on customer brand loyalty in FMCG Sector at Gwalior region, Scholars World International Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research, Volume II, Issue II, pp.83-93, EISSN-2320-3145
16. Gulati, C. and Upamannyu, N.K. (2013). Organizational Climate And Retention: A Study Among Faculty Members Of B-Schools,Global Issues And Challenges In Health And Business Management, pp.34-43, (ISBN 978-93-5062-334-3)
17. Gulati, C. and Upamannyu, N.K. (2013). Organizational Climate And Retention: A Study Among Faculty Members Of B-Schools, Global Issues And Challenges In Health And Business Management, pp.34-43
18. Gulati, C. and Ratnakar, P. (2012). Rewards, Job Satisfaction And Commitment: A Study Among Management Faculties, Global Advances and Innovations in IT and Management, Vol.1, pp.460-470.
19. Ratnakar, P.,Upamannyu, N.K. and Gulati, C.(2012). Impact of Financial Information on Stock Prices in the BSE-An Empirical Research, Global Advances and Innovations in IT and Management, Vol.1, pp.92-105.