Faculty Details


Dr. Richa Banerjee

Senior Assistant Professor, HRM

  • 0751-4097022, 09009055150
  • richa.banerjee@prestigegwl.org, richabanerjee123@gmail.com

About Me

She obtained Master of Business Administration from Jiwaji University, Gwalior (M.P). She has more than seven years . Her area of interest is legislation, human resource management


  • Ph.D, MBA (HR and systems) PGDM, BBA

Orcid Id

  • 0000-0002-1087-8365


Dr.S.S.Bhakar, Dr.Richa Banerjee, Dr.Garima Mathur(2020) , Intrigrating Indian Management Philoshiphy With Modern Management For Management Excellence, ISBN:978-93-89657-12-8 (E- Book https://prestigegwl.org/ebook/FINAL%20HR% 20BOOK%20SET%20(1).pdf)


S.S.Bhakar, Gaurav Jaiswal, Richa Banerjee (2019) Insights of Social Science Research, Bharti Publications, New Delhi, ISBN 978-81-942473-1-

3. S.S.Bhakar, Richa Banerjee, Amitabha Maheshwari; And Sneha Rajput (2016) Creative And Innovative Excellence For World In Motion (Vol. II), Bharti Publications, New Delhi, ISBN 978-93-85000-49-2

4. S.S.Bhakar, Richa Banerjee, Amitabha Maheshwari; And Sneha Rajput (2015) Creative And Innovative Excellence For World In Motion (Vol. I), Bharti Publications, New Delhi, ISBN 978-93-81212-98-1

5. S.S.Bhakar, Vinod Bhatnagar and Richa Banerjee (2014) Sustainability Management And The Power Of Innovation (Vol 2), Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi

6. S.S.Bhakar, Vinod Bhatnagar and Richa Banerjee (2013) Sustainability Management And The Power Of Innovation (Vol 1), Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, ISBN 978-93-82951-49-0


Shaifali Chauhan, Richa Banerjee and Mohit Mittal (2021)A Study and Analysis of Impulse Buying in Fashion Apparel Based on Structural Equation Modeling. Int. J. of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation.
Special Issue: Artificial Intelligence enabled Computing System Development


·         Chauhan Shaifali, Richa Banerjee, Mohit Mittal (2021), A Self-Congruence and Impulse Buying Effect on User’s Shopping Behaviour over Social Networking Sites: An empirical study, accepted for publication in International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications. Publisher Emerald


Dr.Pratibha Goyal, Dr.Alok Kumar Chakrawal, Richa Banerjee (2021), Causes of stress among students in Higher educational Institutions in India, Journal of international cooperation and development, Volume 4,No, 1, May 2021


Chauhan Shaifali, Richa Banerjee, Mohit Mittal (2021), A Statistical Analysis on E- Shopping, accepted for CSNT 2021 at OIST Bhopal, published in IEEE Xplore


·         Chauhan S, Banerjee R, Dagar V (2021). Analysis of Impulse Buying Behaviour of Consumer During COVID-19: An Empirical Study. Millennial Asia. ISSN0976-3996 September 2021. doi:10.1177/09763996211041215


Richa Banerjee, Subeer Banerjee (2021), Emotional Stability Scale: Development And Validation In The Indian Context, IPE Journal Of Management, Volume 11, No.1, Jan-June 2021


Shaifali ChauhanRicha BanerjeeMohit Mittal, and Sher Singh Bhakar(2021) An empirical study on user buying behaviour in fashion industry using logistic regression.International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation 2021. Volume 12(4). Pp: 252-263.


 Chauhan,S., Banerjee R , Chakraborty, C. (2021)A self-congruence and impulse buying effect on users shopping behaviour over social networking sites: an empirical study. International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications.ISSN: 1742-7371, 2021, 17(4)


Chauhan S, Banerjee R, Mittal M., Singh,H. (2021) Performance analysis of online shopping for customer satisfaction using PLS-SEM in proceedings of IEEE 10th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, CSNT 2021


·         Richa Banerjee, Ravindra Pathak and Garima mathur (2020). Relations between personality and job performance:Indian Perspective of triguna theory. International Journal of business excellence(IJBEX). 2020 Vol.20 No.1, pp.122 – 129.DOI10.1504/IJBEX.2020.104844


·         Chauhan Shaifali, Richa Banerjee, Mohit Mittal (2020), An Analytical Study on Impulse Buying for Online Shopping During COVID-19. Journal of Content, Community & Communication. Vol. 12 (6), pp: 198- 209


 Subeer Banerjee,  and Chauhan, Shaifali and Banerjee, Richa(2019) Impact of E-Recuritement and Job Seekers’ Perception: A Study in Gwalior Region (January 6, 2019). Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3323754


 Shaifali Chauhan , Richa Banerjee, Subeer Banerjee (2019).The Impact of Website Quality and Reputation on Purchasing Intention Towards Online Shopping. Journal of Content Community Communication, 5(10) 151-158, 2019. DOI: 10.31620/JCCC.12.19/15

14. Banerjee, Richa and Pathak, Ravindra and Yadav, Sanjeet (2019) Family Relationship and Spiritual Intelligence: With Reference to Students of Professional Courses (January 5, 2019). Available at SSRN:http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3307724

15. Banerjee, Subeer and Chauhan, Shaifali and Banerjee, Richa(2019) Impact of E-Recuritement and Job Seekers’ Perception: A Study in Gwalior Region (January 6, 2019). Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3323754

16. Banerjee, Subeer and Chauhan, Shaifali and Banerjee, Richa(2019) Impact of E-Recuritement and Job Seekers’ Perception: A Study in Gwalior Region (January 6, 2019). Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3323754

17. Richa Banerjee, Shaifali Chauhan and Subeer Banerjee (2018).Impact of social media usage on students’ academic performance. International Journal of Current Advanced Research ISSN: O: 2319-6475,ISSN: P: 2319-6505, Impact Factor: 6.614

18. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, Kajal Sharma And Harvinder Kaur (2018) Relationship Between Ethical Climate And Deviant Workplace Behavior, Productivity, Vol.59, July September No.2. ISSN0032-9924

19. Richa Banerjee and Garima Mathur (2018) “the Journey to right to privacy in India”, Shri Ji Socio-Legal journal, ISSN 2231-1556, no.14-2018

20. Subeer Banerjee And Richa Banerjee (2017)Impact Of Advertisement On Consumer Buying Behaviour With Reference To Cosmetic Products: A Study In Gwalior Region, Intercontinental Journal Of Marketing Research Review, Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2017

21. Richa Banerjee, Aditi Pipariya and Subeer Banerjee, (2017). Relationship of Political Skills and Emotional Intelligence with Emotions at Work. Prestige International Journal of Management & IT-Sanchayan, Vol. 6 (2), 2017, Pp. 96-114 ISSN : 2277-1689 (Print), 2278 - 8441 (Online)

22. Richa Banerjee, Sanjeet Yadav, Garima Mathur (2016) Interpersonal trust at workplace, organizational commitment and its impact on psychological contract, Prestige International Journal of Human Resource Management (PIJHRM) Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2016, Pages 26-37

23. Richa Banerjee (2016), Occupational Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction: Study of Academicians, International Journal of Exclusive Management Research – May 2016 - Vol 6 Issue 05 - Online - ISSN 2249–2585 Print - ISSN 2249-8672 . Impact Factor-5.76

24. Study of Relationship among Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction: In reference to Vikrant Group of Institution, Indore, Creative and Innovative Excellence for world in motion, volume 1, ISBN978-93-81212-98-1

25. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015), Entangled Threads at Woolyards published internationally by The Case Centre(Ref No. 415-055-1).

26. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015), Divide & Rule- A Tactic to Manage Workers published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-056-1

27. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015), Unsolved Mystery of Absenteeism published internationally by The Case Centre(Ref No. 415-057-1).

28. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015), Worker’s Learned Helplessness published internationally by The Case Centre(Ref No. 415-058-1).

29. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015), Consequences of Aggressive Behaviour published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-059-1).

30. Banerjee Richa, Subeer Banerjee ,Rakhi Gurjar, Sapna Gurjar (2015) Relationship Of Emotional Work Requirement and Job Burnout, Intercontinental Journal Of Human Resource Management Issn:2350-0859 -Online Issn:2350-0840 -Print -Impact Factor:0.414 Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2015

31. Banerjee Richa, Subeer Banerjee ,Rakhi Gurjar, Sapna Gurjar (2015) Relationship Of Emotional Work Requirement and Job Burnout, Intercontinental Journal Of Human Resource Management Issn:2350-0859 -Online Issn:2350-0840 -Print -Volume 2, Issue 5 , impact Factor- 1.615

32. Richa Banerjee, Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Nika, Prof. Smrita Bhadouria, Ms. Lavina Panjnani and Mr. Ravi Sharma (2015), Dishonoured Commitmentments Published Internationally By The Case Centre (Ref No. 515-185-1 / 8 )

33. Richa Banerjee, Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Nika, Prof. Smrita Bhadouria, Ms. Lavina Panjnani and Mr. Ravi Sharma (2015), golden rule of retention marketing,Published Internationally By The Case Centre (Ref No 515-187-1 / 8)

34. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015), Entangled Threads at Woolyards published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-055-1).

35. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015), Divide & Rule- A Tactic to Manage Workers published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-056-1).

36. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015), Unsolved Mystery of Absenteeism published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-057-1).

37. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015), Worker’s Learned Helplessness published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-058-1).

38. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015), Consequences of Aggressive Behaviour published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-059-1).

39. Banerjee Richa ,Subeer Banerjee And Garima Mathur (2014), Smiling Faces Suppress Feeling Of Job Satisfaction, Sustainability And Power Of Innovation, Bloomsberry Publications, ISBN 978-93-82951-49-0

40. Bhakar, S., Mathur, G., Banerjee, R., Nagaori, P. , Agarwal, M., Shrivastava, R., Jain, M., Shringirishi, P.,Jain, P. (2014), A Case Of Cheated Employee Published Internationally By Case Centre. Case Reference No. 414-017-1

41. Bhakar, S., Mathur, G., Banerjee, R., Nagaori, P. , Agarwal, M., Shrivastava, R. Jain, M., Shringirishi, P.,Jain, P. (2014), A Case Of Cheated Employee Published Internationally By Case Centre. Teaching Note Reference No. 414-017-8

42. Bhakar, S., Mathur, G., Banerjee, R., Nagaori, P. , Agarwal, M., Shrivastava, R., Jain, M., Shringirishi, P.,Jain, P. (2014),Interpersonal Conflicts, Published Internationally By Case Centre, Casereference No. 414-018-1

43. Bhakar, S., Mathur, G., Banerjee, R., Nagaori, P. , Agarwal, M., Shrivastava, R. ,Jain, M., Shringirishi, P.,Jain, P. (2014), Interpersonal Conflicts, Published Internationally By Case Centre, Teaching Notes Refrence Number.414-018-8

44. Bhakar, S., Mathur, G., Banerjee, R., Nagaori, P. , Agarwal, M., Shrivastava, R., Jain, M., Shringirishi, P.,Jain, P. (2014) ,Lift Locked Minds, Published Internationally By Case Centre, Casereference No. 414-019-1

45. Bhakar, S., Mathur, G., Banerjee, R., Nagaori, P. , Agarwal, M., Shrivastava, R, Jain, M., Shringirishi, P.,Jain, P. (2014), ,Lift Locked Minds, Published Internationally By Case Centre, Teaching Notes Reference No. 414-019-8

46. Banerjee Richa and Subeer Banerjee (2013), A Study of Perceived Organizational Justice, Trust, and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 12, Issue 4 (Jul. - Aug. 2013), PP 36-43

47. Banerjee Richa and Subeer Banerjee (2013),A Study of Perceived Organizational Justice, Trust, and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 12, Issue 4 , impact factor- 3.52

48. Garima Mathur, Dr. Richa Banerjee, Ms. Priyadarshini Nagaori, Ms. Manjari Agarwal, Ms. Rekha Shriwastava, Ms. Monika Jain, Ms. Preeti Shringhirishi, Mr. Prasann Jain (2013), A Case of Cheated Employee published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 414-017-1).

49. Garima Mathur, Dr. Richa Banerjee, Ms. Priyadarshini Nagaori, Ms. Manjari Agarwal, Ms. Rekha Shriwastava, Ms. Monika Jain, Ms. Preeti Shringhirishi, Mr. Prasann Jain (2013), Interpersonal Conflict published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 414-018-1).

50. Garima Mathur, Dr. Richa Banerjee, Ms. Priyadarshini Nagaori, Ms. Manjari Agarwal, Ms. Rekha Shriwastava, Ms. Monika Jain, Ms. Preeti Shringhirishi, Mr. Prasann Jain (2013), Lift Locked Minds published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 414-019-1).

51. Banerjee Richa, Subeer Banerjee and Dr. Manoj Patwardhan (2012), The Impact Of Organizational Climate On Employee Health : A Study Of Manufacturing Industry, Transformation and Survival of Business Organisation: Challenges and Opportunities, volume I.

52. Banerjee  Subeer, Dr. Richa Banerjee & Dr. Manoj Patwardhan (2012), Celebrity Endorsement: Does It Make Any Impact On Consumer Buying Behavior?, International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, Volume No.3(2012)  Issue no 4 (April)

53. Banerjee Richa, Subeer Banerjee, Manoj Patwardhan (2012) Strength of Psychological Contract : A Predictor of Organizational Effectiveness, Journal of Organisation & Human Behaviour, Volume 1 Issue 4 October 2012, ISSN: 2277-3274

54. Pathak Ravindra, Gaurav Jaiswal, Richa Banerjee And Manoj Patwardhan (2012), Employees Job Involvement And Organizational Culture As Predictors Of Managerial Effectiveness, Global Advances And Innovation In IT And Management, Bloomsberry Publication

55. Banerjee Richa, Subeer Banerjee, Manoj Patwardhan (2012) Strength of Psychological Contract : A Predictor of Organizational Effectiveness, Journal of Organisation & Human Behaviour, Volume 1 Issue 4 October , ISSN: 2277-3274

56. Subeer Banerjee, Dr. Richa Banerjee & Dr. Manoj Patwardhan (2012), Celebrity Endorsement: Does It Make Any Impact On Consumer Buying Behavior?, International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, Volume No.3, Issue no 4 (April), ISSN 0976-2183

57. Banerjee Richa, Subeer Banerjee, Dr. Manoj Patwardhan (2011),Quality Of Work Life And Organizational Effectiveness : Are They Related ?, Post Recessionary Economy : Movers And Moulders Of Changing World Volume 2, Crescent Publishers ,Allahabad

58. Mathur Garima, Richa Banerjee, K.S.Rathore, Praveen Sahu, K.K. Yadav, Sachin Verma (2009) “Growth And Transformational Initiatives At Omega Foods Ltd” Published Internationally By European Case Clearing House.

1. .


 Richa Banerjee and Garima Mathur (2018) “the Journey to right to privacy in India”, Shri Ji Socio-Legal journal, ISSN 2231-1556, no.14-2018

3. Richa Banerjee, Sanjeet Yadav (2017), Role Conflict And Role Stress As Antecedents Of Job Stress, Innovation In Business Management And Social Sciences Ed. Prof. Dr. Anil Vashisht Published By Uttkarsh Publication Delhi, ISBN :978-93-87289-28-4

4. Richa Banerjee,Nitin Shrivastava ,Priyanka Jagtap, Arjun Singh (2017), Emotional Labour As Predictor Of Workplace Commitment Of Employees Research Perspectives In Social Sciences Eds. Dr. S. S. Bhakar, Chanda Gulati And Dr. Shilpa Sankpal, . Bharti Publications: New Delhi (ISBN- 978-93-86608-06-2)

5. Garima Mathur and Richa Banerjee(2016), The Study Of Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction, Complaint Handling, Customer Loyalty And Repurchase Intention” in Contemporary Marketing Practices for Excellence in Business Performance ed. Prof. S.S. Bhakar, Dr. Ruturaj Baber, Dr. Shailja Bhakar published by Bharti Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-85000-92-8).

6. Richa Banerjeee and Rakshita Jadhav (2016), Impact Of Political Skills On Impression Management” In Innovation And Emerging Trends In Business Management And Information Technology Ed. Prof K.S.Thakur Published By Radha Publications, New Delhi (978-93-86439-06-2)

7. Richa Banerjee, Sanjeet Yadav, Saksham Kukreja (2016), Surrogate Marketing: A New Way Of Marketing” In Innovation And Emerging Trends In Business Management And Information Technology Ed. Prof K.S.Thakur Published By Radha Publications, New Delhi (978-93-86439-06-2)

8. Bhakar S.S, Richa Banerjee, Harvinder Soni, Yogesh Kumar, Shailja Jain, Manjari Agarwal,Naina Devi, Shristi Shukla(2016), Investigating The Impact Of Psychological Contract And Perceived Organizational Support On OCB, A Systematic Guide From Research To Manuscript Ed.Dr.S.S.Bhakar And Dr.Garima Mathur, Bharti Publications, New Delhi, ISBN 978-93-85000-87-4

9. Kashyap Ruchi, , Sanjeev Gupta, Richa Banerjee (2015), Study of Relationship among Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction: In reference to Vikrant Group of Institution, Indore, Creative and Innovative Excellence for world in motion, volume 1 ed. S. S. Bhakar , Richa Banerjee, Amitabha Maheshwari, Sneha Rajput, published by Bharti publication ISBN978-93-81212-98-1

10. Banerjee Subeer , Richa Banerjee (2015), Visual Merchandising Triggers Impulse Buying?, Creative and Innovative Excellence for world in motion, ed. S. S. Bhakar , Richa Banerjee, Amitabha Maheshwari, Sneha Rajput, volume 1, ISBN-978-93-81212-98-1

11. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee And Sonali Srivastava (2015), Website Content Features And Viewer’s Perception Of Organizational Culture: A Study Of Internet Sites, Information Technology Applications; Strategies,Issues And Challenges, ed.S.S..Bhakar, K.K.Yadav, Anamika Shrivastava, published by Bharti Publications, New Delhi, ISBN:978-93-85000-08-9

12. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, Chanda Gulati, Sanjay Kant Prasad, Priyadarshini Nagori, Anuj Bansal, Archana Singh, Monika Jain, Shilpi Upadhyay, Megha Salunke And Anushruti (2015), Perceived Self Efficacy, Student Intention Certainity and Motivation: A Study of Students, A Handbook on Writing Research Paper in Social Sciences Ed.Dr.S.S.Bhakar and Dr.Navita Nathani,, Bharti Publications New Delhi, ISBN 978-93-85000-270

13. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, Chanda Gulati, Sanjay Kant Prasad, Priyadarshini Nagori, Anuj Bansal, Archana Singh, Monika Jain, Shilpi Upadhyay, Megha Salunke And Anushruti (2015), Quality of Worklife and Job Satisfaction in Print Media, A Handbook on Writing Research Paper In Social Sciences Ed.Dr.S.S.Bhakar And Dr.Navita Nathani, Bharti Publications New Delhi, ISBN 978-93-85000-270

14. Richa Banerjee and Subeer Banerjee (2014),Impact of Organisational Climate on Motivation and Job Satisfaction of middle Level executives: a study of manufacturing industries of Gwalior region in Redefining The Human Resource Paradigm In Changing Cultural, Social And Economic, ed. S. S. Bhakar & Gaurav Jaiswal published by Bharti Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-85000-10-2)

15. Banerjee Richa ,Subeer Banerjee And Garima Mathur (2014), Smiling Faces Suppress Feeling Of Job Satisfaction, Sustainability And Power Of Innovation, ed. S. S. Bhakar, Vinod Bhatnagar and Richa Banerjee, Bloomsberry Publications, ISBN 978-93-82951-49-0

16. Mathur Garima, Richa Banerjee, Navita Nathani, Gaurav Newalkar (2013), Factors Affecting Choice Of Mutual Fund For Investors, Foreign Direct Investment In India Retail Sector,Volume I ISBN No:81-88719-72-2

17. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, Navita Nathani, Gaurav Newalkar (2013), Factors Affecting Choice Of Mutual Fund For Investors, ed. A K Saxena, M R Sahu, Smriti Singh & Rani Rajput published by Indus Valley Publications, Jaipur (ISBN: 81-88719-72-2)

18. Richa Banerjee, Gaurav Newalkar (2013), Organizational Citizenship Behavior And Locus Of Control Among Faculty Members Of Professional College, ed. A K Saxena, M R Sahu, Smriti Singh & Rani Rajput published by Indus Valley Publications, Jaipur (ISBN: 81-88719-72-2).

19. Banerjee Richa, Gaurav Jaiswal, Subeer Banerjee (2012), Measures Of Stress In Stress In Manufacturing And Service Sectors, Emerging Trends Of Management In Present Economic Scenario, Volume I, Indus Valley Publications

20. Richa Banerjee, Subeer Banerjee and Kapil Dev Yadav (2012) Service differentiation – a competitive advantage,Tatva July issue Vol no IX, issue no1

21. Ravindra Pathak, Gaurav Jaiswal, Richa Banerjee And Manoj Patwardhan (2012), Employees Job Involvement And Organizational Culture As Predictors Of Managerial Effectiveness, Global Advances And Innovation In IT And Management,ed. S. S. Bhakar, Shailja Bhakar, Nitin Paharia, Gaurav Jaiswal & Ravinder Pathak Bloomsberry Publication.

22. Richa Banerjee, Subeer Banerjee and Dr. Manoj Patwardhan (2012), The Impact of Organizational Climate on Employee Health: A Study Of Manufacturing Industry, Transformation and Survival of Business Organisation: ed S.S. Bhakar, Tarika Singh Sikarwar, K. K. Yadav and A. Mehra and Opportunities, volume I.

23. Richa Banerjee, Gaurav Jaiswal, Subeer Banerjee (2012), Measures Of Stress In Manufacturing And Service Sectors, Emerging Trends Of Management In Present Economic Scenario, Volume I, ed .Indus Valley Publications, ISBN 81-8182-527-8

24. Banerjee Richa, Subeer Banerjee, Dr. Manoj Patwardhan and Kapil Dev yadav  (2011), Quality Of Work And Employee Vol VII, No. 2. Retention: A Study of Service And Manufacturing Industries of Gwalior Region,Tatva,  January Vol VII, No. 2.

25. Richa Banerjee, Subeer Banerjee, Dr. Manoj Patwardhan and Kapil Dev yadav (2011), Quality Of Work And Employee Retention: A Study of Service And Manufacturing Industries of Gwalior Region, Tatva, January Vol VII, No. 2.

26. Richa Banerjee, Subeer Banerjee, Dr. Manoj Patwardhan (2011),Quality Of Work Life And Organizational Effectiveness : Are They Related ?, Post Recessionary Economy : Movers And Moulders Of Changing World , Volume 2, Crescent Publishers ,Allahabad

27. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, Rajesh S Pygnavil, Shikha Tripathi, Arti Pathak, Bhavana Shanna, Meera Kaul Upadhyay (2011), Stress and job Satisfaction A Study of Academicians, A Systematic Guide to Write a Research Paper, ed. Dr. S.S. Bhakar & Seema Mehta, pp. 217-234 (ISBN- 978-81-7446-932-8).

28.       Banerjee Richa, Subeer Banerjee (2010) Organization Citizenship Behaviour: nature and Antecedents, Innovation and Adaptability: Twin Engines of Sustained Growth, excel books new Delhi.

29. Banerjee Subeer, Richa Banerjee, Manoj Patwardhan (2010), Green Marketing : A New Mantra , Tatva, July, vol I

30. Subeer Banerjee, Richa Banerjee, Manoj Patwardhan (2010), Green Marketing : A New Mantra , Tatva, July, vol I, PP: 58-64, ISSN 0973-0974