Faculty Details


Dr. Garima Mathur

Professor, HRM

  • 0751-4097028
  • garima.mathur@prestigegwl.org

About Me

Dr. Garima Mathur is Professor (HR&OB) in Management Department. She is UGC-NET qualified, Master of Arts in Psychology and did MBA from Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior.  She is Head, HR Department & Coordinator- MBA Program.
As an academician Dr. Mathur looks forward to develop students potential to make them industry ready through practical learning experiences in the ever changing environment and as administrator, Dr. Mathur works with a broader vision for the development of institution in terms of admissions, program effectiveness through rankings and departmental change through policies and creativity. As an ardent researcher Dr. Mathur dwells into research in Management while getting along with fellow colleagues. 
She has successfully undertaken corporate and academic trainings in a number of organizations. She as chaired sessions/delivered keynote speeches in various conferences/sessions in India and overseas like Indonesia, Malaysia, Hongkong etc. Dr. Mathur is Jiwaji University approved PhD guide and nine research scholars under her have already been awarded PhD degrees. Being an active researcher, in all more than ninety national and international refereed publications including Scopus, Web of Sciences and ABDC etc are due to her credit. She is an active Member of APA, AIB, ISTD (Secretary- Gwalior Chapter), IAA and GMA. Dr. Mathur has published five edited books also. She is editor of ‘Prestige International Journal of Management & IT- Sanchayan’ and member of editorial and review boards of many reputed journals including Academy of Management, Inderscience Journals, Sage etc


  • UGC-NET, Ph.D, M.B.A (HRM),M. A. (Psychology)

Orcid Id

  • 0000-0003-1166-2192


S.S. Bhakar, Richa Banerjee, Garima Mathur (2020). Integrating Indian Management Philosophy With Modern Management For Management Excellence, ISBN:978-93-89657-12-8 (E- Book: https://prestigegwl.org/ebook/FINAL%20HR%20BOOK%20SET%20(1).pdf)


Garima Mathur, Ashima Joshi, Sweta Pandit, Megha Yadav, C.K. Dantre, Smriti Gupta & Shubham Agarwal (2017). Impact of Psychological Empowerment on Job Satisfaction among Faculty Members in B-Schools, Research Perspectives in Social Sciences eds. Dr. S. S. Bhakar, Chanda Gulati and Dr. Shilpa Sankpal, 77-87. Bharti Publications: New Delhi (ISBN- 978-93-86608-06-2).

3. Dr. Bhakar, S. S.; Chanda Gulati; Dr. Garima Mathur; and Dr. Ravindra Pathak (Eds) (2016), Global Advancements in HRM: Innovations and Practices, Bharti Publications: New Delhi.

4. Bhakar, S. S. & Mathur Garima (Eds) (2016), A Systematic Guide From Research to Manuscript, Bharti Publications: New Delhi.


     Silky Vigg & Garima Mathur (2021). Practices In Sustainable Finance: A Neoliberal Marketing Model In Insurance Sector, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal,26(1). ((Print ISSN: 1095-6298; Online ISSN: 1528-2678), (https://www.abacademies.org/articles/Practices-In-Sustainable-Finance-A-Neoliberal-Marketing-Model-%20In-%201528-2678-26-1-126.pdf) (ABDC- B Category)


Gulati Chanda, Upadhyay Yogesh, Mathur Garima (2021). Internal and external fit scores as predictors of brand internalization, JIMS8M The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy, 26(3), 48- 58. (DOI: 10.5958/0973-9343.2021.00018.1), (Print ISSN: 0973-9335. Online ISSN: 0973-9343).(WEB OF SCIENCE LISTED)https://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:jims8m&volume=26&issue=3&article=005


Garima Mathur & Abhijeet Singh Chauhan (2021). Teacher Evaluation of Institutional Performance: Managing Cultural Knowledge Infrastructure in Knowledge Organisations, Journal International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM), IGI Global, 17(4), 93-108, October. (DOI: https://ideas.repec.org/s/igg/jkm000.html ). (SCOPUS LISTED & ‘B’ Category in ABDC list)


Parashar, P.Mathur, G.Upadhyay, Y. (2021). Predicting green purchase intention through attitude and social norms: A study of eco-friendly products. Indian Journal of Ecology, 48, 9–11. (SCOPUS LISTED) https://indianecologicalsociety.com/society/wp-content/themes/ecology/fullpdfs/1628763918.pdf


Mansi Tiwari, Sumit Narula, Garima Mathur (2020). Looking-glass-self: Tale of happiness, self-esteem, and satisfaction with life among transgender from Kinner community, Journal of Public Affairs, e2519, 1-9 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.2519). (SCOPUS LISTED & ‘B’ Category in ABDC list) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pa.2519


Mansi Tiwari, Sumit Narula, Garima Mathur (2020). Looking-glass-self: Tale of happiness, self-esteem, and satisfaction with life among transgender from Kinner community, Journal of Public Affairs, e2519, 1-9 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.2519). (SCOPUS LISTED & ‘B’ Category in ABDC list) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pa.2519


Banerjee, R., Pathak, R., Mathur, G. (2020). Relationship between personality and job performance: Indian perspective of Triguna theory, International Journal of Business Excellence, 20(1), 122 – 129. (ISSN online: 1756-0055; ISSN print: 1756-0047) DOI: 10.1504/IJBEX.2020.104844 (SCOPUS LISTED) https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=104844


Silky Vigg & Garima Mathur (2019). Psychological Well Being and Investor's Attitude Towards Various Investment Options, JIMS8M-The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy, 24(1), 51-56. (EISSN: 0973-9343, DOI: 10.5958/0973-9343.2019.00008.5) (WEB OF SCIENCE LISTED) https://publons.com/publon/34788776/

9. Mansi Tiwari, Garima Mathur & Suvijna Awasthi (2019). A Study on The Effects of Glass Ceiling & Organizational Commitment on Corporate Women’s Turnover Intentions. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 18(2), 1-10. (pISSN: 1544-1458; eISSN: 1939-6104). (https://www.abacademies.org/articles/a-study-on-the-effects-of-glass-ceiling--organizational-commitment-on-corporate-womens-turnover-intentions-7936.html) [SCOPUS LISTED].


Navita Nathani, Garima Mathur, Gunjan Dwivedi (2019). Social Responsibility and Academic Achievement: A Perceptual Learning. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 9(1), 5221-5226 (ISSN: 2278-3075) (SCOPUS LISTED) https://www.ijitee.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v8i10/J93120881019.pdf


Chanda Gulati & Garima Mathur (2019). Fit, Identification and Employees’ Overall Brand Evaluation: An Empirical Analysis using PLS. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IRJTE), 8(3), 3182-85. (ISSN: 2277-3878) (SCOPUS LISTED) https://www.ijrte.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v8i3/C4908098319.pdf


Garima Mathur & Navita Nathani (2019). Personality Traits & Risk Tolerance Among Young Investors. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 8(10), 2019-23. (ISSN: 2278-3075) (SCOPUS LISTED) https://www.ijitee.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v8i10/J93120881019.pdf

13. Mansi Tiwari, Dr. Garima Mathur & Dr. Suvijna Awasthi (2018). Gender Based Discrimination Faced by Females at Workplace: A Perceptual Study of Working Females. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 21(3), 1-7. (pISSN: 1098-8394; eISSN: 1528-2651).

14. Saurabh Sharma and Dr. Garima Mathur (2018). Effect of Trust, Perceived Value, Brand Reputation and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: A Study of Print and Electronic Media. International Journal of Exclusive Management Research, 8(5), 1-11 (pISSN: 2249-2585, eISSN: 2249-8672).

15. Dr. Garima Mathur, Abhijeet Singh Chauhan (2018). Analyzing the relationship between depression, abusive supervision & organizational deviance: An SEM approach, Journal of Human Resource Management (JHRM), XXI(1), 1-13 (ISSN: 2453-7683).

16. Dr. Garima Mathur, Abhijeet Singh Chauhan (2017). The Mediating effect of Employee engagement on Employee participation and Employee voice in selected manufacturing industries of Gwalior, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), Vol 7, No 4, pp. 347-356 (ISSN: 2250-3153).

17. Mathur, G. & Baber, R., (2016). Factory Automation- To be or not to be. Prestige International Journal of Management & IT- Sanchayan, 5(2), July- December, 50-58, [pISSN: 2277-1689, eISSN- 2278-8441].

18. Monika Jain & Garima Mathur (2015), Effect of Organization Justice and Employee Engagement on Job satisfaction, International Journal of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM) Vol 2, No. 3, pp. 194-203 (ISSN: 2348 9510).

19. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015), Entangled Threads at Woolyards published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-055-1).

20. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015), Divide & Rule- A Tactic to Manage Workers published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-056-1).

21. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015), Unsolved Mystery of Absenteeism published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-057-1).

22. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015), Worker’s Learned Helplessness published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-058-1).

23. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015), Consequences of Aggressive Behaviour published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-059-1).

24. Monika Jain & Garima Mathur (2015). Effect of Organization Justice and Employee Engagement on Job satisfaction, International Journal of Core Engineering & Management (IJCEM) Vol 2, No. 3, pp. 194-203 (ISSN: 2348 9510).

25. 1. Dr. Garima Mathur, Ruturaj Baber, Dr. Reena Mehta, Silki Gupta, Ram Paliwal, Riya Modi (2015). Skills Deficient Employees Log in Poor Performance at CBC Bank, published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 419-0027-1).

26. 2. Garima Mathur, Dr. Vineet Kumar Jain, Prof. Taruna Sharma, Monika Jain, Prof. Ram Paliwal & Ms. Anupama Yadav (2015). Employer’s Grievances, published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-155-1).

27. 3. Garima Mathur, Dr. Vineet Kumar Jain, Prof. Taruna Sharma, Monika Jain, Prof. Ram Paliwal & Ms. Anupama Yadav (2015). Need for HR Practices, published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-157-1).

28. 4. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015). Entangled Threads at Woolyards published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-055-1).

29. 4. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015). Entangled Threads at Woolyards published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-055-1).

30. 5. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015). Divide & Rule- A Tactic to Manage Workers published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-056-1).

31. 6. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015). Unsolved Mystery of Absenteeism published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-057-1).

32. 7. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015). Worker’s Learned Helplessness published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-058-1).

33. 8. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015). Consequences of Aggressive Behaviour published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-059-1).

34. 8. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015). Consequences of Aggressive Behaviour published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-059-1).

35. Garima Mathur, Dr. Vineet Kumar Jain, Prof. Taruna Sharma, Monika Jain, Prof. Ram Paliwal & Ms. Anupama Yadav (2015). Employer’s Grievances, published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-155-1).

36. Garima Mathur, Dr. Vineet Kumar Jain, Prof. Taruna Sharma, Monika Jain, Prof. Ram Paliwal & Ms. Anupama Yadav (2015). Need for HR Practices, published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-157-1).

37. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015). Entangled Threads at Woolyards published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-055-1).

38. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015). Divide & Rule- A Tactic to Manage Workers published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-056-1).

39. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015). Unsolved Mystery of Absenteeism published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-057-1).

40. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015). Worker’s Learned Helplessness published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-058-1).

41. Garima Mathur, Richa Banerjee, ChandraKant Dantre, Ravikant Balijepalli, Neha Tiwari, Shatak Nathani, Chandni Wadhwani (2015).Consequences of Aggressive Behaviour published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 415-059-1).

42. Nischay K Upmanyu, Garima Mathur & S. S. Bhakar (2014), “The Connection between Self concept (Actual Self Congruence & Ideal Self congruence) on Brand Preferences”, International Journal of Management Excellence, Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 308-319. (ISSN- 2292-1648).

43. Garima Mathur & Pushpa Negi (2014). Servant Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour among Employees of Service Sector, American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts & social Sciences, Vol. 7, No.2, pp.191-196. (ISSN (Print): 2328-3734, ISSN (Online): 2328-3696).

44. Nischay K Upmanyu, Garima Mathur & S. S. Bhakar (2014). The Connection between Self concept (Actual Self Congruence & Ideal Self congruence) on Brand Preferences, International Journal of Management Excellence, Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 308-319. (ISSN- 2292-1648), listed in CrossRef, Cornell.worldcat.org (DOI: 10.17722/ijme.v3i1.126)

45. Nischay K Upmanyu, Chanda Gulati & Garima Mathur (2013), “Effect of Brand Trust, Brand Image on Customer Brand Loyalty in FMCG Sector at Gwalior Region”, Scholar World-International Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol. II, No. II, pp. 83-93. (Online: ISSN 2320-3145, Print: ISSN 2319-5789).

46. S S Bhakar, Nischay K Upmanyu and Garima Mathur (2013), “Managing Time and Talent: A Study of Individual Behaviour at Workplace Through Self Management Practices”, Prestige International Journal of Management & IT- Sanchayan, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 75-90. (ISSN: 2277-1689).

47. Garima Mathur, Navita Nathani and Shweta Sarvate (2013), An emotional antecedent to stress at work in health care, Advances in Management & Applied Economics, vol.3, no.1, 2013, 1-10 [ISSN: 1792-7544 (print version), 1792-7552 (online)] Scienpress Ltd.

48. Dr. Garima Mathur, Dr. Richa Banerjee, Ms. Priyadarshini Nagaori, Ms. Manjari Agarwal, Ms. Rekha Shriwastava, Ms. Monika Jain, Ms. Preeti Shringhirishi, Mr. Prasann Jain (2013), A Case of Cheated Employee published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 414-017-1).

49. Dr. Garima Mathur, Dr. Richa Banerjee, Ms. Priyadarshini Nagaori, Ms. Manjari Agarwal, Ms. Rekha Shriwastava, Ms. Monika Jain, Ms. Preeti Shringhirishi, Mr. Prasann Jain (2013), Interpersonal Conflict published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 414-018-1).

50. Dr. Garima Mathur, Dr. Richa Banerjee, Ms. Priyadarshini Nagaori, Ms. Manjari Agarwal, Ms. Rekha Shriwastava, Ms. Monika Jain, Ms. Preeti Shringhirishi, Mr. Prasann Jain (2013), Lift Locked Minds published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 414-019-1).

51. Nischay K Upmanyu, Chanda Gulati & Garima Mathur (2013). Effect of Brand Trust, Brand Image on Customer Brand Loyalty in FMCG Sector at Gwalior Region, Scholar World-International Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol. II, No. II, pp. 83-93. (Online: ISSN 2320-3145, Print: ISSN 2319-5789).

52. S S Bhakar, Nischay K Upmanyu and Garima Mathur (2013). Managing Time and Talent: A Study of Individual Behaviour at Workplace Through Self Management Practices. Prestige International Journal of Management & IT- Sanchayan, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 75-90. (ISSN: 2277-1689).

53. Garima Mathur, Navita Nathani and Shweta Sarvate (2013). An emotional antecedent to stress at work in health care, Advances in Management & Applied Economics, Vol.3, No.1, pp. 1-10 [ISSN: 1792-7544 (print version), 1792-7552 (online)] Scienpress Ltd.

54. 9. Dr. Garima Mathur, Dr. Richa Banerjee, Ms. Priyadarshini Nagaori, Ms. Manjari Agarwal, Ms. Rekha Shriwastava, Ms. Monika Jain, Ms. Preeti Shringhirishi, Mr. Prasann Jain (2013), A Case of Cheated Employee published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 414-017-1).

55. 10. Dr. Garima Mathur, Dr. Richa Banerjee, Ms. Priyadarshini Nagaori, Ms. Manjari Agarwal, Ms. Rekha Shrivastava, Ms. Monika Jain, Ms. Preeti Shringhirishi, Mr. Prasann Jain (2013), Interpersonal Conflict published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 414-018-1).

56. Dr. Garima Mathur, Dr. Richa Banerjee, Ms. Priyadarshini Nagaori, Ms. Manjari Agarwal, Ms. Rekha Shriwastava, Ms. Monika Jain, Ms. Preeti Shringhirishi, Mr. Prasann Jain (2013), A Case of Cheated Employee published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 414-017-1).

57. Dr. Garima Mathur, Dr. Richa Banerjee, Ms. Priyadarshini Nagaori, Ms. Manjari Agarwal, Ms. Rekha Shrivastava, Ms. Monika Jain, Ms. Preeti Shringhirishi, Mr. Prasann Jain (2013), Interpersonal Conflict published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 414-018-1).

58. Dr. Garima Mathur, Dr. Richa Banerjee, Ms. Priyadarshini Nagaori, Ms. Manjari Agarwal, Ms. Rekha Shriwastava, Ms. Monika Jain, Ms. Preeti Shringhirishi, Mr. Prasann Jain (2013), Lift Locked Minds published internationally by The Case Centre (Ref No. 414-019-1).

59. Negi Pushpa, Shilpa Sankpal and Garima Mathur (2012). Financial Market Integration and Financial Crises: The Case of Big Emerging Market (BEM) Economies, Int. J. Economics and Business Research, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 622-638.

60. Negi Pushpa, Anindita Chakraborty and Garima Mathur (2011), Long-Term Price Linkages between the Equity Markets and Oil Prices: A Study of Two Big Oil Consuming Countries of Asia, Middle Eastern Finance and Economics, Issue 14, pp. 140-151 (ISSN: 1450-2889)

61. Mathur Garima, Saloni Mehra, Ravindra Pathak, Sneha Rajput, Sweety Dubey and Nitin Paharia (2011), “Problem of Happy Workers” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 811-028-1).

62. Mathur Garima, Saloni Mehra, Ravindra Pathak, Sneha Rajput, Sweety Dubey and Nitin Paharia (2011), “The Success Story of Village Boy” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 811-029-1).

63. Negi Pushpa, Anindita Chakraborty and Garima Mathur (2011). Long-Term Price Linkages between the Equity Markets and Oil Prices: A Study of Two Big Oil Consuming Countries of Asia, Middle Eastern Finance and Economics, Issue 14, pp. 140-151 (ISSN: 1450-2889).

64. Garima Mathur, Monika Mittal, Shailja Saxena, Anirudh Gupta, Abhinav Gaur, Richa Yadav & Priyanka (2011), HR manager’s dilemma: Whom to be blamed published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 413-077-1)

65. 14. Garima Mathur, Monika Mittal, Shailja Saxena, Anirudh Gupta, Abhinav Gaur, Richa Yadav & Priyanka (2011), Habit: Hindrance in Organizational Growth published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 413-076-1)

66. Garima Mathur, Monika Mittal, Shailja Saxena, Anirudh Gupta, Abhinav Gaur, Richa Yadav & Priyanka (2011), Gwalior- ‘Badha Area’ or ‘Just a conflict of Caste’? published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 413-075-1) 16.

67. Garima Mathur, Saloni Mehra, Ravindra Pathak, Sneha Rajput, Sweety Dubey and Nitin Paharia (2011), “Problem of Happy Workers” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 811-028-1). 17.

68. Garima Mathur, Saloni Mehra, Ravindra Pathak, Sneha Rajput, Sweety Dubey and Nitin Paharia (2011), “The Success Story of Village Boy” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 811-029-1).

69. Garima Mathur, Monika Mittal, Shailja Saxena, Anirudh Gupta, Abhinav Gaur, Richa Yadav & Priyanka (2011), Question of Productivity published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 413-080-1)

70. Garima Mathur, Monika Mittal, Shailja Saxena, Anirudh Gupta, Abhinav Gaur, Richa Yadav & Priyanka (2011), HR manager’s dilemma: Whom to be blamed published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 413-077-1)

71. Garima Mathur, Monika Mittal, Shailja Saxena, Anirudh Gupta, Abhinav Gaur, Richa Yadav & Priyanka (2011), Habit: Hindrance in Organizational Growth published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 413-076-1)

72. Garima Mathur, Monika Mittal, Shailja Saxena, Anirudh Gupta, Abhinav Gaur, Richa Yadav & Priyanka (2011), Gwalior- ‘Badha Area’ or ‘Just a conflict of Caste’? published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 413-075-1)

73. Garima Mathur, Saloni Mehra, Ravindra Pathak, Sneha Rajput, Sweety Dubey and Nitin Paharia (2011), “Problem of Happy Workers” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 811-028-1).

74. Garima Mathur, Saloni Mehra, Ravindra Pathak, Sneha Rajput, Sweety Dubey and Nitin Paharia (2011), “The Success Story of Village Boy” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 811-029-1).

75. Mathur Garima, Pushpa Negi, Anamika Upadhyay, K.K. Pandey and Nitin Paharia (2010), “Stroking Deficiencies: A Showcase of Small Medium Enterprise Help Organization” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 410-037-1M).

76. Negi Pushpa, Garima Mathur, Anamika Updhyay, K.K. Pandey and Nitin Paharia (2010), “Are Employee Development Programs Really Successful” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 410-036-1M).

77. Garima Mathur, Pushpa Negi, Anamika Upadhyay, K.K. Pandey and Nitin Paharia (2010), “Stroking Deficiencies: A Showcase of Small Medium Enterprise Help Organization” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 410-037-1M).

78. 19. Negi Pushpa, Garima Mathur, Anamika Updhyay, K.K. Pandey and Nitin Paharia (2010), “Are Employee Development Programs Really Successful” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 410-036-1M).

79. Garima Mathur, Pushpa Negi, Anamika Upadhyay, K.K. Pandey and Nitin Paharia (2010), “Stroking Deficiencies: A Showcase of Small Medium Enterprise Help Organization” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 410-037-1M).

80. Negi Pushpa, Garima Mathur, Anamika Updhyay, K.K. Pandey and Nitin Paharia (2010), “Are Employee Development Programs Really Successful” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 410-036-1M).

81. Garima Mathur, Richa Benerjee, K.S. Rathore, Dr. Praveen Sahu, K.K. Yadav and Sachin Verma (2009), “Growth and Transformational Initiatives” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 409-005-1).

82. Garima Mathur, Richa Benerjee, K.S. Rathore, Dr. Praveen Sahu, K.K. Yadav and Sachin Verma (2009), “Growth and Transformational Initiatives” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 409-005-1).

83. 21. Garima Mathur, Rohit Mathur, Rachana Gupta, Brijesh Arya and Priyanka Taneja (2008), “Running with Time” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 408-022).

84. Garima Mathur, Rohit Mathur, Rachana Gupta, Brijesh Arya and Priyanka Taneja (2008), “Running with Time” published internationally by European Case Clearing House (Ref No. 408-022).

85. Mathur Garima, Silky Vigg, Simranjeet Sandhar and Umesh Holani (Jul-Dec 2007), “Stress as a Correlate of Job Performance: A study of Manufacturing Organisation”, Journal of Advances in Management Research, Vol. 4 (II), pp. 79-85 (ISSN 0972-7981) published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited.



 Pranshuman Parashar, Dr. Garima Mathur, Prof. Yogesh Upadhyay (2021). Predicting Green Purchase Intention through Personal Norms and Perceived Behavioural Control, I.T.S JOURNAL of IT & MANAGEMENT, 18(2), 3-12 (ISSN No. 0972-7361).



Ankit Agrawal, Garima Mathur and R.A. Sharma (2021). Urban Tourists and Rural Tourism Destinations: A Study of Amidst Perception, Splint International Journal of Professionals, 8(1), 91-100 (ISSN NO. 2349-6045).

3. Mathur Garima, Nathani Navita, Ashwini Sharma, Divya Modi, Garima Arora (2019). Impact of Facebook Usage on Student’s Involvement in Studies published in Conference proceedings by ssrn.com (Abstract id: 3323784).

4. Mathur Garima, Abhinav Khandelwal & Radhika Mittal (2019). Antecedents to Purchase Intention- A Perceptual study about ‘You Tube’ videos published in conference proceedings by ssrn.com (Abstract id: 3323763).


 Chanda Gulati, Dr. Yogesh Upadhyay, Dr. Garima Mathur (2019). Congruence and Internalization as predictor of Citizenship Behaviour: Empirical Investigation using PLS, Effulgence, 18(1), 11-22 (ISSN: 0972-8058).


 Garima Mathur, Mansi Tiwari, Prof. Suvijna Awasthi (2019). A Perceptual Study About Organizational Learning Practices & Its Effect on Organizational Commitment, UNNAYAN: International Bulletin of Management and Economics, IX, 216- 226 (ISSN No. 2349-7165.)

7. Dr. Garima Mathur & Dr. Vivek Pachauri (2018). Emotions at Workplace- Way to Organizational Commitment in Association with Demographic Variables. Synergy- I.T.S. Journal of IT & Management, 16(2), 11-22.

8. Dr. Garima Mathur, Dr. Richa Banerjee, Kajal Sharma & Harvinder Kaur (2018). Relationship between Ethical Climate and Deviant Workplace Behaviour, Productivity: A Quarterly Journal of National Productivity Council, 59(2), 101-110 (ISSN: 0032-9924; E- ISSN: 0976-3902).

9. Dr. Garima Mathur & Dr. Richa Banerjee (2018). Abusive Supervision and Organizational Loyalty in Banking Sector in Measure, Manage & Facilitate Change to Harness Organizational Potential ed. Dr. S.S. Bhakar, Chanda Gulati, Dr. RPS Kaurav & Himani Saxena published by Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior and Bharti Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-86608-29-1).

10. Dr. Garima Mathur & Abhijeet Singh Chauhan (2017). Role of Collective efficacy on Team Performance: Moderating Effects of Team Cohesion and Trust in Innovation in Business Management and Social Sciences ed. Prof. Anil Vashisht et al published by Utkarsh Publication, Delhi (ISBN: 978-938-728-92-84).

11. Dr. Garima Mathur, Dr. Richa Banerjee, Saurabh Watts & Adarsh Mishra (2017). The Study Of Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction, Complaint Handling, Customer Loyalty And Repurchase Intention in Contemporary Marketing Practices for Excellence in Business Performance ed. Prof. S.S. Bhakar, Dr. Ruturaj Baber, Dr. Shailja Bhakar published by Bharti Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-85000-92-8).

12. Chanda Gulati, Dr. Garima Mathur, Pranshuman Parashar & Ankit Parashar (2017) Employer Value Proposition And Employee Loyalty: A Study Of Banking Sector in Contemporary Marketing Practices for Excellence in Business Performance ed. Prof. S.S. Bhakar, Dr. Ruturaj Baber, Dr. Shailja Bhakar published by Bharti Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-85000-92-8).

13. Dr. Garima Mathur & Abhijeet Singh Chauhan (2017). Role of Collective efficacy on Team Performance: Moderating Effects of Team Cohesion and Trust in Innovation in Business Management and Social Sciences ed. Prof. Anil Vashisht et al published by Utkarsh Publication, Delhi (ISBN: 978-938-728-92-84).

14. Garima Mathur and Megha Salunke (2013). Organizational commitment and Job Satisfaction: A study of Manufacturing Sector, Apotheosis- Tripude’s National Journal of Business Research (TNBJR), 4(4), 129-143. (ISSN- 2319-5576).

15. Nischay K Upmanyu and Garima Mathur (2013). Effect of Brand Trust, Brand Affect and Brand Image on Customer Brand Loyalty and Consumer Brand Extension Attitude in FMCG Sector, Prima: Practices and Research in Marketing, 3(2), 1-14. (ISSN: 2230-844X).

16. Navita Nathani, Garima Mathur & Ravindra Pathak (2013). Personality Attributes of Self Employed and Managers: An Empirical Study, Anusandhan- AISECT University Journal, Vol. II, Issue IV (ISSN: 2278-4187).

17. Mathur Garima, Navita Nathani & Sweety Dubey (2013). Perceived Organizational Politics, Organizational Justice, Cynicism & OCB: A Demographic Study of Academicians, Review of HRM, 2(1), 57-68 (ISSN: 2249-4650).

18. Pushpa Negi and Garima Mathur (2012). Causal Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth and Trade: Evidence from Big Emerging Countries, in Global Integration, National Strategies and Sectoral Impact ed. Bala Batavia, Jin Wook Choi and R. Hema published by Sidma Press Pvt. Ltd: India (ISSN: 978-93-5067-170-2).

19. Garima Mathur, Silky Vigg, Simranjeet Sandhar and Alka Sharma (2012). Psychological Empowerment and Organizational Commitment: A study of Educational Institutes, Gitam Journal of Management, 10(1), 189-203 (ISSN: 0972-740X).

20. Mathur Garima, Dr. Pushpa Negi, Dr. Silky Vigg & Varsha Saxena (2010). Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness in the Institutes of Higher Learning, Indian Journal of Higher Education, Vol.1 (II), pp. 52-61 (ISSN: 0976-1314).

21. Dr. Pushpa Negi, Garima Mathur, Shilpa Sankpal & Umesh Holani (2010). The Impact of Firm’s Capital and Operating Expenditure on Working Capital Management- A study of Indian Manufacturing Companies, Effulgence, Vol. 8 (2), pp.44-(ISSN: 0972-8058).

22. Negi Pushpa, Garima Mathur, Navita Nathani & Umesh Holani (2010). IFRS Adoption: A Perceptual Study, Indian Journal of Accounting, Vol. XL (2), pp. 25-33. (ISSN-0972-1479).

23. Negi Pushpa, Shilpa Sankpal, Anindita Chakraborty & Garima Mathur (2010). Working Capital Management and Firm’s Performance- A Study of Indian Manufacturing Companies, Abhigyan Management Journal from Fore, Vol. XXVIII (1), pp. 37-44 (ISSN 0970-2385).

24. Dr. Pushpa Negi, Garima Mathur, Anindita Chakraborty (2010). Cash Flow Analysis of J. K. Industries Ltd., People’s Journal Management, Vol. 2, pp.84-90.

25. Mathur Garima, Pushpa Negi, Silky Vigg & Rinku Sarawagi (2010). Performance of Mutual Funds Scheme: Comparative study of Public and Private Assets in Management Companies. Lingyas Journal of Professional Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 90-99 (ISSN: 0975-539X).

26. Dr. Pushpa Negi, Dr. Garima Mathur, Dr. Silky Vigg & Shashikant Verma (2010). The Role of foreign Banks in Domestic Market- A study of Developed & Developing Countries. BIFT’s Journal International Management and Research, Vol. II, No. III, pp. 6-14. (ISSN: 0975-1378).

27. Mathur Garima, Navita Nathani & Silky Vigg (Dec, 2009). Corporate Governance Ratings and its Impact on Stock’s Performance. NSHM Journal of Management Research and Applications, Vol.1, pp. 25-32 (ISSN: 0975-2501).

28. S. Kushwaha, Garima Mathur & Shivani Bali (2009). Working Capital Management: A Study of Cement Sector. The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 21-26. (ISSN: 0973-9335).

29. Silky Vigg, Garima Mathur and Dr. Umesh Holani (Jan-June 2009). Customer Relationship Management and Brand Loyalty: A Study of Hotel Industry. Effulgence, Vol.7, No.1, pp.61-68. (ISSN: 0972-8058).

30. Garima Mathur, Anindita Chakraborty, Silky Vigg and Prof. Umesh Holani (May-August 2008). Service Quality Perception of Corporates towards Public and Private Banks. Journal of Marketing and Communication, Vol.4, Issue 1 pp. 37-47. (ISSN: 0973-2330), published by Routledge (http://www.worldcat.org/title/journal-of-marketing-communication-the-journal-for-thought-leaders-and-change-drivers/oclc/303581855). [UGC Listed].

31. Sandhar Simranjeet, Navita Nathani, Garima Mathur and Prof. Umesh Holani (2008). Testing Weak Form of Efficient Market Hypothesis: A study of NSE. Arth Anveshan, Vol.2 (2) & Vol. 3 (1) pp 44-50 (ISSN: 0973-8193). [UGC Listed].

32. Sankpal Shilpa, Garima Mathur, Silky Vigg & Vikas S. Bhadauria (August 2008). Role Stress among Working and Non-Working Women. NSB Management Review (NMR), Vol.1, Issue 1, pp. 11-18 (ISSN: 0974-3286). [UGC Listed].

33. Vigg Silky and Garima Mathur (Oct-Dec, 2007). A Study of Factors affecting Job Satisfaction in Bank Employees. JIMS 8M (Journal of Indian Management & Strategy), Vol.12, No. 4, pp. 10-13 (ISSN 0973-9335). [UGC Listed].

34. Garima Mathur and Silky Vigg (July-December, 2007). Organisational Citizenship Behaviour: A Comparative Study of Service and Manufacturing Organisations. NICE Journal of Business, 2(2), 57-68 (ISSN 0973-449X). [UGC Listed].

35. Mathur Garima, Richa Manocha and Silky Vigg (2007). Managerial Aptitude as A Correlate of Team Effectiveness: A Study of Telecom Industry in Mastering Changes in Organizational Excellence. ed Dr. S. S. Bhakar, pp. 247-261 published by Excel Books (ISBN 978-81-7446-581-8).

36. Vigg Silky, Garima Mathur and Umesh, Holani (April-Jun, 2007). Customer Satisfaction in Retail Services: A study of Public and Private Sector Banks. JIMS 8M (Journal of Indian Management & Strategy), Vol. 12 No. 2, pp 9-14 (ISSN 0973-9335). [UGC Listed].

37. Sandhar Simranjeet, Garima Mathur and Umesh Holani (July-December 2006). Managerial Effectiveness: A Comparative Study of Public & Private Banks. Journal of Banking, IT and Management. Vol.3 No.2, pp 62-74 (ISSN 0972-902X). [UGC Listed].

38. Vigg Silky, Garima Mathur and Umesh Holani (July-December 2006). The Study of Buying Behaviour of Consumers with reference to Print Media Selection (Newspaper). Knowledge Hub, Vol. 2, No.2, pp 47-50 (ISSN 0973-6425). [UGC Listed].

39. Bhakar Shilpa and Garima Mathur (January 2006). Cultural Intelligence: An Essential Requirement in Globalised Business World. Psycho Lingua, Vol. 36, No.1, pp 49-53 (ISSN No. 0377-3132). [UGC Listed].

40. Mathur Garima, Silky Vigg and Umesh Holani (July-December 2005), “Expectations of MBA Aspirants from the MBA Program”, Journal of Commerce and Information Technology, Vol.5, No.2, pp 63-67 (ISSN 0972-9550). [UGC Listed].