Faculty Details


Dr. Tarika Singh

Professor & Deputy Director

  • 0751-4097025
  • tarika.singh@prestigegwl.org, tarika.sikarwar@rediffmail.com

About Me

With a bolder vision for the department, executing the intrepid strategy to lead the pace of change for the complex challenges department faces because of the ever-changing environment and orient teaching-learning research accordingly, she is an out-of-the-box thinker and an architect who lays the foundation for the ideas to flourish! She believes in Developing a vibrant departmental culture categorized by encouraging academic excellence, ensuring minimal discrepancy between the various levels of pedagogic, brought about by establishing a purposeful mentor-mentee relationship and encouraging academic activities.

She has more than sixteen years of rich experience in academics and Research. She is Ph.D. Guide for Management and Commerce at Jiwaji University. She has her publication in reputed journals including Scopus, ABDC, and Web of Science Journals. She has been on the Panel of Reviewers of several journals being published from India and abroad. She is a well-recognized trainer and has conducted several MDPs on Strategic Leadership, Team building, Communication Skills, and areas of Finance. She has organized and Coordinated different conferences, research methodology workshops and headed and guided different groups in different case wring workshops


  • Ph.d., M.B.A. (Finance & Marketing)

Orcid Id

  • 0000-0002-9778-0589


Sikarwar, Tarika Singh & Ruturaj Baber (2022). CASES IN MANAGEMENT. Bharti Publications. ISBN: 978-93-94779-03-7

2. Sikarwar, Tarika Singh, Bhakar, S.S., Jain and Vinod Bhatnagar (2019). Edited book on “Contemporary Issues in Economics, Finance and Accounting. Bharti Publications. E-ISBN Number: 978-93-86608-89-5


Tarika Singh Sikarwar (2017).A Handbook of Case Studies in Finance. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN No. 978-1-4438-8176-0


Tarika Singh Sikarwar (2017). Key Indicators to Performance Measurement: A Case-Based Study. Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN No. 978-3-330 05020-4. Singh, Tarika and S.S.Bhakar (2011).  “A Handbook for Writing Research Papers”, BhartiPublications; ISBN 978-93-81212-51-6.

5. Singh et al (2012), Edited book on “Transforming Business Organizations for Longevity: Challenges and Opportunities ”, Narosa International Publication, ISBN No.978-81-8487-225-5

6. Bhakar et al (2011), Edited book on “Transformation and Survival of Business Organizations: Challenges and Opportunities”, MACMILLAN Publication, ISBN No.935-059-061-1

7. Bhakar et al (2011), Edited book on “Global Business Recession: Lesson Learnt”, Crescent Publication, ISBN No.978-81-910494-2-8

8. Contribted for edited book How to Write a Research Paper, Sponsored by AICTE, Published By Excel Publication ISBN: 978-81-7446-932-8.


 Sikarwar, Tarika Singh, Gupta, Monika, Swati Vishnoi (2022). SWAYAM Platform of Distance Learning: A Perceptual Study, International Journal of Management and Humanities (IJMH), 8(8)-8 April 2022, 2394-0913(Online).


  Sikarwar, Tarika Singh, Gupta, Monika, Swati Vishnoi (May 2022). Are Teachers Aware Enough for SWAYAM Usage?, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 7(5)- May 2022, 1174-1178. ISSN: 0974-5823 (Scopus: Scopus Link: https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21101016918).


     Sikarwar, Tarika Singh, Gupta, Monika, Singh, Tara, and Rathore, Gaurav (2021). Home Bias Economics, Empirical Economics Letters, 20(1) Special Issue, October 2021: Sustainable Business Resilience and Development: Perspective and Practice Guest Editors Sonia Singh, Kamalakanta Muduli and Ritugeet Kaur,  ISSN 1681 8997. ABDC, Two-Tier Triple Blind Peer Review Refereed Journal (http://www.eel.my100megs.com/volume-20-number-october-1-special-issue.htm).


Sikarwar, Tarika Singh (2021). The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), and Social Unrest in India: Conflict Creation or Management by Social Media. The International Journal of Development and Conflict (IJDC), 11(2021),71-88. Scopus and ABDC B; E-ISSN number of IJDC is 2010-2704. Link: http://www.ijdc.org.in/uploads/1/7/5/7/17570463/4_tarika-singh.pdf


Sikarwar, Tarika Singh, Gupta, Monika, Payal Holani (2021). The Impact of Intellectual Capital on a Firm’s Stock Return: Evidence From India, Sodh Sanchar Bulletin, 10(39) July-September, 162-180, ISSN:2229-3620, An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Bilingual Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal.


     Sikarwar, Tarika Singh, Gupta, Monika, Umesh Holani (2021). The DETERMINANTS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESS, Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(2), 515-527, ISSN: ISSN 2319-4979.(UGC Care_


Sikarwar, Tarika Singh, Gupta, Monika, Payal Holani (2021). The Impact of Intellectual Capital on a Firm’s Stock Return: Evidence From India, Sodh Sanchar Bulletin, 10(39) July-September, 162-180, ISSN:2229-3620, An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Bilingual Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal


 Sikarwar, Tarika Singh; Gupta, Monika; Tomar, Sonam and Devendra Pal Singh (2020). Content Credibility WhatsApp Messages and Decision to Share: Psychology of Youth. High Technology Letters,26 (9),428-442.Publisher: Science Press. https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/12667.ISSN:1006-6748.    https://doi.org/10.37896/HTL26.09/1734


Sikarwar, Tarika Singh; Gupta, Monika; Agarwal, Supriya and Tanvi Saxena (2020). Causal Relationship between Commodity and Currency Futures for the South Asian Nations. International Journal of Critical Accounting, 2020 Vol.11 No.6, pp.449 – 472. DOI: 10.1504/IJCA.2020.112860. ABDC-C


Sikarwar, Tarika Singh and Saurav Sharma (2020), AN OPERATIONAL APPROACH TO FINANCIAL STABILITY: ON THE BENEFICIAL ROLE OF REGULATORY GOVERNANCE”. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review. PUBLISHING HOUSE “VIRTUS INTERPRESS” (ABDC C Category, 1501) ISSN 2519-8971(print),ISSN 2519-898X (online). https://virtusinterpress.org/-Corporate-Governance-and-Sustainability-Review-.html. DOI:10.22495/cgsrv4i1p7


Tarika Sikarwar&Anivesh Goyal & Harshita Mathur, 2020. "Household Debt, Financial Inclusion, and Economic Growth of India: Is it Alarming for India? " Asian Economic and Financial Review, Asian Economic and Social Society, vol. 10(3), pages 229-248, February. https://ideas.repec.org/a/asi/aeafrj/2020p229-248.html


Sikarwar, Tarika Singh and Monika Gupta (2020). Modeling Credit Risk Management and Bank’s Profitability. International Journal of Electronic Banking, 2(1), ISSN-1753-5239, ISSN Online 1753-5247, ABDC listed. ISSN 2162-3082. Inderscience/Gupta, M., and Sikarwar, T.S. (2020) ‘Modelling credit risk management and bank’s profitability, Int. J. Electronic Banking, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.170–183.


 Sikarwar, Tarika Singh (2019). Social Influence and Individual Financial Behavior for Digital Banking: A Causal Study. International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, 9(4), 242-259, ABDC listed. ISSN 2162-3082. http://www.macrothink.org/journal/index.php/ijafr/article/view/15905

14. Sikarwar, Tarika ; Bhadoria, Pallavi and Deepak Khandelwal (2018). FDI and Global Economic Growth: Insights from Developed and Developing Nations, International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting; 8(1). ISSN No. 2162-3082 (print) UGC Journal No. 48752 ,ABDC Listed.

15. Sharma Gunjan, Singh Tarika, Awasthi Suvigya(2017). Determinants of Investment Decision Making: An Empirical Study, International Journal of Financial Management; 7(4),23-33. http://www.publishingindia.com/, Print ISSN : 0974-7281. Online ISSN : 2229-4503.

16. Sharma Gunjan, Singh Tarika, Awasthi Suvigya(2017). The Study on Investment Profiling of Retail Investors in India: An Empirical Examination, Al-Barkaat Journal of Finance & Management; 9(1),1-21. Print ISSN : 0974-7281. Online ISSN : 2229-4503.

17. Singh, T., Mehta, S., Saban, A., Garg, S., & Pamnani, D. (2016). Stock Return Autocorrelation and Volatility in Emerging Nations. IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences (ISSN 2455-2267), 3(3). doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.21013/jmss.v3.n3.p25

18. Singh, Tarika; Mehta , Seema And Vikram Parmar (2016). Developing Relationship Between Investors Psychology And Financial Decision Making. (EAJBE: East Asian Journal Of Business Economics) (ISSN: 2288-2766) EAJBE; 4(2). ISSN: 2288-2766 © 2016 EABEA. Http://Www.Eabea.Or.KrDoi: Http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.13106/Eajbe.2016.4(2).26.

19. Singh, Tarika (2016). FORECASTING VOLATILITY IN EUROPEAN MARKET. GE-International Journal of Management Research;4(1), 83-92. GE-IJMR ISSN :(2321-1709),ISSN (Print): (2394-4226) IMPACT FACTOR-4.316,4(1),2016

20. Sikarwar, Tarika and Gajendra Singh Sikarwar. (2015). The Influence of Investor Psychology on Regret Aversion. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: C Finance Volume 15 Issue 2 Version 1.0 Year 2015 Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA) Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853

21. Sikarwar, Tarika ; Mehta , Seema and Gunjan Dwedi (2015). Clustering and Forecasting Exchange Rates using Statistical Tools. Advances in Management & Applied Economics, vol. x, no. xx, 201x, xxx-xxx ,ISSN: 1792-7544 (print version), 1792-7552(online).Scienpress Ltd, 2012

22. Sikarwar, Tarika and Gajendra Singh Sikarwar. (2015). The Influence of Investor Psychology on Regret Aversion. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: C Finance Volume 15 Issue 2 Version 1.0 Year 2015 Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA) Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853

23. Singh, T and Monika Gupta (2015). The Role Of Investors Behavioral Biases On Investment Decisions. The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS); Print ISSN: 1738-3110 / Online ISSN 2093-7717/Indexed by: KCI(Korea Citation Index, Impact Factor 2012 : 0.85 ) & Global Impact Factor(GIF)

24. Singh, T., Gupta, M & Sharma, M. (2015). Stock market liquidity and firm performance. Accounting, 1(1), 29-36.

25. Singh, T., Gupta, M & Sharma, M. (2015). Stock market liquidity and firm performance.Accounting, 1(1), 29-36.. The Journal of Distribution Science(JDS); Print ISSN: 1738-3110 / Online ISSN 2093-7717/Indexed by: KCI(Korea Citation Index, Impact Factor 2012 : 0.85 ) & Global Impact

26. Singh, Tarika, Gupta, Monika, Rekha Yadav (2015). TESTING INTERNATIONAL TRANSMISSION OF STOCK RETURN VOLATILITY THROUGH COINTEGRATION, International Journal of Science Technology and Management; 4(1); ISSN 2394-1537

27. Sikarwar, Tarika ; Mehta , Seema and Gunjan Dwedi (2015). Clustering and Forecasting Exchange Rates using Statistical Tools. Advances in Management & Applied Economics, vol. x, no. xx, 201x, xxx-xxx ,ISSN: 1792-7544 (print version), 1792-7552(online).Scienpress Ltd, 2012

28. Sikarwar, Tarika and Gajendra Singh Sikarwar. (2015). The Influence of Investor Psychology on Regret Aversion. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: C Finance Volume 15 Issue 2 Version 1.0 Year 2015 Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA) Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853

29. Singh, T. ;Aronkar, P.; Yadav, K. ; Singhal, K.; Dubey, M.; Agarwal, M. (2015), Case study on “MSME: GUIDING THE ENTREPRENEURIAL WAY”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 815-083-1.

30. Singh, T. ;Aronkar, P.; Yadav, K. ; Singhal, K.; Dubey, M.; Agarwal, M. (2015), Teaching Notes of Case study on “MSME: GUIDING THE ENTREPRENEURIAL WAY”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 815-083-8

31. Singh, T. ;Aronkar, P.; Yadav, K. ; Singhal, K.; Dubey, M.; Agarwal, M. (2015), Case study on “BR CHADOKAR; ‘A MAN OF VISION”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 815-084-1/8.

32. Singh, T. ;Aronkar, P.; Yadav, K. ; Singhal, K.; Dubey, M.; Agarwal, M. (2015), Teaching Notes for Case study on “BR CHADOKAR; ‘A MAN OF VISION”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 815-084-8

33. Singh, T. ;Aronkar, P.; Yadav, K. ; Singhal, K.; Dubey, M.; Agarwal, M. (2015), Case study on “TRADITIONAL APPROACH, LIMITED PROMOTIONS: OPPORTUNITIES AT MSME ON A MISS….”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 815-085-1.

34. Singh, T. ;Aronkar, P.; Yadav, K. ; Singhal, K.; Dubey, M.; Agarwal, M. (2015), Teaching Notes for Case study on “TRADITIONAL APPROACH, LIMITED PROMOTIONS: OPPORTUNITIES AT MSME ON A MISS….”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 815-085-8.

35. Singh Sikarwar, T. ; Sodhi, P. ; Jain, S.; Dubey, M.; Ghani, A. (2015), Case study on “AN EFFORT TO SURVIVE IN ROUGH TIMES”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 515-087-1.

36. Singh Sikarwar, T. ; Sodhi, P. ; Jain, S.; Dubey, M.; Ghani, A. (2015), Teaching Notes for Case study on “AN EFFORT TO SURVIVE IN ROUGH TIMES”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 515-087-8.

37. Singh Sikarwar, T. ; Sodhi, P. ; Jain, S.; Dubey, M.; Ghani, A. (2015), Case study on “YEDURAPPA FINANCIAL CORPORATION: THE STRUGGLE FOR SALES ESCALATION”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 515-088-1.

38. Singh Sikarwar, T. ; Sodhi, P. ; Jain, S.; Dubey, M.; Ghani, A. (2015), Teaching Notes for Case study on “YEDURAPPA FINANCIAL CORPORATION: THE STRUGGLE FOR SALES ESCALATION”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 515-088-8.

39. Singh and Mehta (2014), Case study on  “Community Health Care Center: A Question Of Existence”,  published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 314-068-1.

40. Singh and Mehta (2014), Teaching notes on  “Community Health Care Center: A Question Of Existence”,  published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 314-068-8.

41. Singh et al.(2014), Case study on  “The Mounting Sales Pressure”,  published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 514-020-1

42. Singh et al.(2014), Case study on  “Eclipse Of 'Bucket Trading”,  published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 114-018-1

43. Singh et al.(2014), Teaching Notes of Case study on  “The Mounting Sales Pressure”,  published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 514-020-1

44. Singh et al.(2014), Teaching Notes of Case study on  “Eclipse Of 'Bucket Trading”,  published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 114-018-1

45. Sikarwar, Tarika Singh; Mehta, Seema; Lachwani, Sagar and Ankit Anand (2014). Co -Movements of U.S. Eu and Indian Equity Markets: Portfolio Diversification Implications. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting;ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)  Vol.5, No.20, 2014

46. Singh and Mehta (2014), Case study on  “Community Health Care Center: A Question Of Existence”,  published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 314-068-1

47. Singh and Mehta (2014), Teaching notes on  “Community Health Care Center: A Question Of Existence”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 314-068-8

48. Singh et al.(2014), Case study on  “The Mounting Sales Pressure”,  published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 514-020-1

49. Singh et al.(2014), Case study on  “Eclipse Of 'Bucket Trading”,  published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 114-018-1

50. Singh et al.(2014), Teaching Notes of Case study on  “The Mounting Sales Pressure”,  published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 514-020-1

51. Singh et al.(2014), Teaching Notes of Case study on  “Eclipse Of 'Bucket Trading”,  published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 114-018-1

52. Singh, Tarika; Mehta, Seema; Kumar, Yogesh  and Kalpana Yadav (2014). APPLICATION OF QUALITY GAP MODEL TO MEASURE QUALITY OF PHARMACIST’S SERVICE IN RETAIL PHARMACEUTICALSETTINGS. International Journal of Management and Information Technology- Sanchayan, ISSN: 2277-1689, Vol.3 (1) Jan - June 2014;62-77

53. Sikarwar, Tarika Singh; Mehta, Seema; Lachwani, Sagar and Ankit Anand (2014). Co -Movements of U.S. Eu and Indian Equity Markets: Portfolio Diversification Implications. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting ;ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online) Vol.5, No.20, 2014

54. Tarika Singh Sikarwar, Mehta Seema; Sikarwar Rakhi and Saxena Aditya (2014), “Relationship between Corporate Governance, Corporate Entrepreneurship and Value based Management”, The East Asian Journal of Business Management (EAJBM); 2(2), 24-36. ISSN: 2288-2766 © 2013 KODISA. http://kodisa.org/eajbe Doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.13106/eajbe.2014.vol2.no2.24-36.

55. Singh and Mehta (2014), Case study on “Community Health Care Center: A Question Of Existence”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 314-068-1.

56. Singh and Mehta (2014), Teaching notes on “Community Health Care Center: A Question Of Existence”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 314-068-8.

57. Singh et al.(2014), Case study on “Eclipse Of 'Bucket Trading”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 114-018-1

58. Singh et al.(2014), Case study on “Eclipse Of 'Bucket Trading”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 114-018-8

59. Singh et al.(2014), Teaching Notes of Case study on “The Mounting Sales Pressure”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 514-020-1

60. Singh et al.(2014), Teaching Notes of Case study on “Eclipse Of 'Bucket Trading”, published by The Case Centre ,UK. Reference No 114-018-1

61. Singh and Gupta (2013) “The Outlook of Islamic Banking Model: Global & India Perspective”, Public Policy and Administration Research, Vol 3, No 7 (2013), ISSN (Paper)2224-5731 ISSN (Online)2225-0972

62. Tarika Singh and Seema Mehta (2013). Developing Relationship between Tax Structure, Pension Funds and Economic Growth in OECD Nations. East Asian Journal of Business and Economics, 1(2), 22-28.

63. Singh et al.(2013), Case study on  “ Leveraging Finance To Grow A Profitable Hotel Business”,  published by European Case Clearing House ,UK. Reference No 113-026-1

64. Singh et al.(2013), Case study on  “Hr Matters In Hotel Industry: A Setback To Local Operators”,  published by European Case Clearing House ,UK. Reference No  413-078-1

65. Singh et al.(2013), Case study on  “Thin Clientele At The Radiant International”,  published by European Case Clearing House ,UK. Reference No  513-053-1

66. Singh et al.(2013), Case study on  “ASHA: A SERVICE PROVIDER OR AN ACTIVIST”,  published by European Case Clearing House ,UK. Reference No 713-030-1

67. Singh et al.(2013), Teaching Notes of Case study on  “ASHA: A SERVICE PROVIDER OR AN ACTIVIST”,  published by European Case Clearing House ,UK. Reference No 7 3-030-8.

68. Singh et al. (2013), “Transmission of Interest Rates Volatility: A Case Study of Upper, Middle and Lower Income Groups Countries” Journal of Finance Issues, Vol 10 (2) Fall 2012.

69. Singh and Gupta (2013) “The Outlook of Islamic Banking Model: Global & India Perspective”, Public Policy and Administration Research, Vol 3,No 7 (2013), ISSN (Paper)2224-5731 ISSN (Online)2225-0972

70. Tarika Singh and Seema Mehta (2013). Developing Relationship between Tax Structure, Pension Funds and Economic Growth in OECD Nations. East Asian Journal of Business and Economics, 1(2), 22-28.

71. Singh et al. (2013), “Transmission of Interest Rates Volatility: A Case Study of Upper, Middle and Lower Income Groups Countries” Journal of Finance Issues, Vol 10 (2) Fall 2012.

72. Singh et al.(2013), Case study on “ Leveraging Finance To Grow A Profitable Hotel Business”, published by European Case Clearing House ,UK. Reference No 113-026-1

73. Singh et al.(2013), Teaching notes ofCase study on “ Leveraging Finance To Grow A Profitable Hotel Business”, published by European Case Clearing House ,UK. Reference No 113-026-8

74. Singh et al.(2013), Case study on “HR Matters In Hotel Industry: A Setback To Local Operators”, published by European Case Clearing House ,UK. Reference No 413-078-1

75. Singh et al.(2013), Teaching Notes of Case study on “HR Matters In Hotel Industry: A Setback To Local Operators”, published by European Case Clearing House ,UK. Reference No 413-078-8

76. Singh et al.(2013), Case study on “Thin Clientele At The Radiant International”, published by European Case Clearing House ,UK. Reference No 513-053-1

77. Seema Mehta, Tarika Singh, Tanjul Saxena, (2012) "Blues and Hues for Color Valley", Emerald’s International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 22 Issue: 2, pp.145 – 151, ISSN: 1056-9219

78. Singh,Tarika (2012), “Modeling the relationship between firm’s financial performance and its stock price in Indian context”, Int. J. Business and Systems Research, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2012 pg. 413-430.

79. Singh et al. (2012), “Corporate Governance and Market Valuation: A Study of PPCI Index”, International Journal of Management and Information Technology- Sanchayan, ISSN: 2277-1689, Vol1 issue 1 (July-Dec. 2012).

80. Seema Mehta, Tarika Singh, Tanjul Saxena, (2012) "Blues and Hues for Color Valley", Emerald’s International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 22 Issue: 2, pp.145 – 151, ISSN: 1056-9219

81. Singh,Tarika (2012), “Modeling the relationship between firm’s financial performance and its stock price in Indian context”, Int. J. Business and Systems Research, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2012 pg. 413-430.

82. Mehta, Seema; Tarika Singh and Saxena, Tanjul (2011), Case study on “Financial Frenzy at Color Valley” developed in ICBC 2010: International Conference on Business Cases, 2-3 December 2010.” Published in Emerald Journal of Commerce and Management.

83. Singh, Tarika; Mehta Seema and Varsha (2011), “Macroeconomic Factors And Stock Returns: Evidence From Taiwan”, Journal of Economics and International Finance, academic journals/JEIF, Vol. 2(4), pp.217-227, April 2011.

84. Singh,T., “MODELLING PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT VARIABLES IN INDIAN CONTEXT”, International Journal of Business and Systems Research (IJBSR), ISSN (Online): 1751-2018  -  ISSN (Print): 1751-200X.

85. Singh,T.; Mehta, S. and Chaya Mittal (2011), Mutual Funds Inflows and Index Returns: A study of Dynamic Relationship in US and Indian Market”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 46, Euro Journals

86. Singh et al. (2011), Case study on “ The Supply Chain Predicament”, during 9th National Case Writing Workshop (April 2010) organized at Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior, published by European Case Clearing House ,UK., Reference No.:611-013-01.

87. Singh et al. (2011), Case study on “ The See Saw Ride”, during 9th National Case Writing Workshop (April 2010) organized at Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior, published by European Case Clearing House ,UK. Reference No. 511-047-1.

88. Singh et al. (2011), Teaching Notes of Case study “ The Supply Chain Predicament”, during 9th National Case Writing Workshop (April 2010) organized at Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior, published by European Case Clearing House ,UK. Reference No.:

89. Singh et al. (2011), Teaching Notes of Case study “ The See Saw Ride”, during 9th National Case Writing Workshop (April 2010) organized at Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior, published by European Case Clearing House ,UK. Reference No. 511-047-8

90. Singh, Tarika ; Bhakar, S.S.; Mehta Seema; Raju, Srikant and Monika. (2011), “Self Employment Motivators: A Comparative Study Between Engineering and Management Students” American Journal of Social and Management Sciences (AJSMS), ISSN:   2156-1540 (Prin

91. Singh, Tarika; Mehta, Seema and Varsha (2011), “Macroeconomic factors and stock returns: evidence from Taiwan”, Journal of Economics and International Finance (JEIF), ISSN 2006-9812.

92. Singh, Tarika; Mehta, Seema and Varsha (2011), “Employee Loyalty towards organization-A study of academicians”, Journal African Journal Of Marketing Management (AJMM), Academic Journals, Vol.1, Issue 1. ISSN 2141-2421

93. Singh, Tarika; Mehta Seema and Varsha (2011), “Macroeconomic Factors and Stock Returns: Evidence from Taiwan”, Journal of Economics and International Finance, academic journals/JEIF, Vol. 2(4), pp.217-227, April 2011, ISSN 2006-9812.

94. Singh,Tarika; Mehta, S. and Chaya Mittal (2011), Mutual Funds Inflows and Index Returns: A study of Dynamic Relationship in US and Indian Market”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 46, Euro Journals (Impact factor .409)

95. Singh, Tarika ; Bhakar, S.S.; Mehta Seema; Raju, Srikant and Monika. (2011), “Self Employment Motivators: A Comparative Study Between Engineering and Management Students” American Journal of Social and Management Sciences (AJSMS), ISSN: 2156-1540 (Print); 2156-1559 (Online)

96. Singh, Tarika; Mehta, Seema and Varsha (2011), “Employee Loyalty towards organization-A study of academicians”, Journal African Journal of Marketing Management (AJMM), Academic Journals, Vol.1, Issue 1. ISSN 2141-2421

97. Mehta, Seema; Tarika Singh and Saxena, Tanjul (2010), Case study on “Financial Frenzy at Color Valley” developed in ICBC 2010: International Conference on Business Cases, 2-3 December 2010.” Published in the edited book titled“Leveraging Global Competiti

98. Singh, Tarika, and Seema Mehta. (2010), “Volatility of Stock Returns: A Case Study of Selected Asian Indices”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 45, Euro Journals.

99. Singh, Tarika (2010), “Evidence on the Volatility Of Indian And Japanese Stock Markets”, American J. Finance and Accounting, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2010. American J. of Finance and Accounting 2010 - Vol. 2, No.1  pp. 53 - 64. ISSN (Online): 1752-7775  -  ISSN (Pr

100. Mehta, Seema , Tarika Singh and Shikha Srivastava (2010), Case study on “Small Entrepreneur-The Creator of Prosperity and Job” during 8th National Case Writing Workshop (March 2009) organized at Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior, published by Euro

101. Mehta, Seema; Tarika Singh and Saxena, Tanjul (2010), Case study on “Financial Frenzy at Color Valley” developed in ICBC 2010: International Conference on Business Cases, 2-3 December 2010.” Published in the edited book titled “Leveraging Global Competitiveness for Organizational Excellence; Handbook of Management Cases” published by Macmillan India, ISBN: 023-033-194-7.

102. Singh, Tarika, and Seema Mehta. (2010), “Volatility of Stock Returns: A Case Study of Selected Asian Indices”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 45, Euro Journals.

103. Singh, Tarika (2010), “Evidence on the Volatility of Indian and Japanese Stock Markets”, American J. Finance and Accounting, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2010. American J. of Finance and Accounting 2010 - Vol. 2, No.1 pp. 53 - 64. ISSN (Online): 1752-7775 - ISSN (Print): 1752-7767

104. Singh, Tarika; Seema, Mehta and Holani, Umesh (2010), “The effects of Index changes in the Spain Stock Market”, International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting (IJMFA), (SSN (Online): 1753-6723 - ISSN (Print): 1753-6715), Volume 2, Issue 3.

105. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta (2009), “Job Satisfaction Post Merger And Acquisition: A Study Of Banking Sector Employees”, IJGBE (Journal of the Global Business Development Institute (GBDI), california state polytechnic university Pomona, CA 91768, USA),

106. Mehta, Seema , Tarika Singh ,Gaurav jaiswal, Sandip Bhingare and Rinku agarwal (2009), Case study on “Backward Integration at Sunstar Lighting Limited” during 7th National Case Writing Workshop (February 2007) organized at Prestige Institute of Management

107. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta (2009), “Job Satisfaction Post Merger and Acquisition: A Study of Banking Sector Employees”, IJGBE (Journal of the Global Business Development Institute (GBDI), California state polytechnic university Pomona, CA 91768, USA), Vol 2, Issue 3. ISSN (ISSN: 1934-6336)

108. Bhakar S.S.; Bhakar, Shilpa; Singh, Tarika; Chaudhary, Nitin and Nidhi. (2008). Case study on Cadbury India limited “A case of bitter biscuits bitter relationships”, (13th-14th December 2006) during 6th National Case Writing Workshop organized at Presti

109. Bhakar S.S.; Bhakar, Shilpa; Singh, Tarika; Chaudhary, Nitin and Nidhi. (2008). Teaching Notes of Case study on Cadbury India limited “A case of bitter biscuits bitter relationships”, (13th-14th December 2006) during 6th National Case Writing Workshop o

110. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta. (2008), “Perception of Home Loan Borrowers: A Demographic Study, Journal of Business and Retail management research Harrow, London, April Vol 2,Issue 2,39-50,ISSN 1751-8202.

111. Singh, Tarika, and Seema Mehta. (2008), “Emerging Paradigm of Indian Milk Industry: A demographic Study”, University of Pennstate, USA.

112. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta. (2008), “Perception of Home Loan Borrowers: A Demographic Study, Journal of Business and Retail management research Harrow, London, April Vol 2,Issue 2,39-50,ISSN 1751-8202.

113. Singh, Tarika, and Seema Mehta. (2008), “Emerging Paradigm of Indian Milk Industry: A demographic Study”, University of Pennstate, USA. http://www.jsr-iimt.in/sconf2008/name1.htm


Sikarwar, Tarika Singh, Gupta, Monika, Payal Holani (2021). The Impact of Intellectual Capital on a Firm’s Stock Return: Evidence From India, Sodh Sanchar Bulletin, 10(39) July-September, 162-180, ISSN:2229-3620, An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Bilingual Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journ


Sikarwar, Tarika Singh, Gupta, Monika, Umesh Holani (2021). The DETERMINANTS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESS, Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 12(2), 515-527, ISSN: ISSN 2319-4979.


Sikarwar, Tarika Singh (2021). An SEM Approach: Determinants of Capital Structure. FINANCE INDIA, XXXV (December 2021),  1429-1458. Scopus, UGC, and ABDC, Two-Tier Triple Blind Peer Review Refereed Journal.


Sikarwar, Tarika Singh; Shrivastava, Karuna and Pratibha Jadon (2020). Friday the 13th Effect on the Indian Stock MarketInternational Journal of Financial Engineering (IJFE), 7(1). March 2020 issue (ABDC C Category. ISSN: 2424-7863. EISSN: 2424-7944.http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/ijfe. 39. https://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S2424786320500103. UGC Care List


Sikarwar, Tarika Singh and PayalMalani (Holani) (2020). Advanced and Emergent Equity Market BehaviourInternational Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(3).  ISSN 2278-3075 (online). DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.C8202.019320



Sikarwar, Tarika Singh and Abhay Singh Chauhan (2020). Financial Sector Development and Pecuniary Growth: Evidence from India and the Republic of Korea. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 8(5). 590-595.ISSN: 2277-3878DOI:10.35940/ijrte.e5042.018520.44.


Sharma Gunjan, Singh Tarika, Awasthi Suvigya (2019). Determinants of Trading Decision: An Experiential Examination. The International Journal of Financial Management, 9(1), http://www.publishingindia.com/, Print ISSN: 2229-5682. ICI Indexed

8. Singh, Tarika; Gupta, Monika and Gurpreet Kaur (2018). The Role of Parental Perception in Gender Bias in Education. International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, 5(4) XVII issue, Oct-Dec 2018, 57-60. ISSN: 2278-7844

9. Singh, Tarika (2018). Relationship between Financial and Regulatory Governance. for GITAM Journal of Management. ISSN‎: ‎0972-740X

10. Singh, Tarika; Gupta, Monika and Vivek Kumar (2018). A Study on Corporate Governance Practices in India”. Shri Ji Socio-Legal Journal,14-2018, 121-124. ISSN: 2278-7844

11. Singh, Tarika; Mehta, Seema; Kaur, Gurpreet and Megha Patnakar (2017). “‘EFFECT OF BANKING COMPETITION ON RISK TAKING’”, in “Creative and Innovative Excellence for World In Motion”; Edited by Dr. S.S. Bhakar, Prof.Chanda Gulati, Dr. RPS Kaurav and Prof. Himani Saxena, page no.408-415, published by Bharti Publication, ISBN No.978-93-81212-98-1.

12. Singh, Tarika; Gupta, Monika and Yogesh Shivhare (2017). “The Determinants affecting the Bank Crisis in India”, in edited book Innovation in Business Management and Social Sciences. Edited by Dr. Anil Vashisht; page no.153-168, ISBN 978-93-87289284

13. " Singh,Tarika; Gagrani, Neha and Deepankar Barai (2017). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INDICATORS OF INTEGRATION: A STUDY OF ASEAN NATIONS in edited book Contemporary Marketing Practices for Excellence in Business Performance edited by Dr.S.S. Bhakar, Dr.Ruturaj Baber and Dr.Shailja Bhakar; page no. 61-90; ISBN 978-93-85000-92-8. "

14. Singh, Tarika (2016). Stock Market Liquidity and Firm Performance. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF) e-ISSN: 2321-5933, p-ISSN: 2321-5925.Volume 7, Issue 2. Ver. I (Mar. - Apr. 2016), PP 16-24 www.iosrjournals.org

15. Singh, Tarika, Loomba, Jatinder; Rajdev,Deepshikha, Goyal, Saurabh, Jadon, Jagmohan; Neelmani, Kumar and Sonu Sidhwani (2015). Capital Structure and Stock Returns. A Procedural Guide to Write Research Papers.  Bharti Publications;  ISBN 978-93-85000-07-2

16. Singh,  Tarika  and Monika Gupta (2015). Intellectual Capital & Firm Profitability: An Empirical Study on the IT Sector listed in NSE, Global Journal Of Multidisciplinary Studies. 4(4). ISSN No. 2348-0459

17. Singh, Tarika; Mehta , Seema and Manish Dubey (2015). “Measuring Difference in Genders on Confidence Related To Study and Performance: A Study of Management Students” in  “Creative and Innovative Excellence for World In Motion”; Edited by Dr. S.S. Bhakar, Dr. Richa Banerjee, Dr. Amitabha Maheshwari and Prof. Sneha Rajput, page no.408-415, published by  Bharti Publication, ISBN No.978-93-81212-98-1

18. Singh, Tarika, Loomba, Jatinder; Rajdev,Deepshikha, Goyal, Saurabh, Jadon, Jagmohan; Neelmani, Kumar and Sonu Sidhwani (2015). Capital Structure and Stock Returns. A Procedural Guide to Write Research Papers. Bharti Publications; ISBN 978-93-85000-07-2

19. Singh, Tarika, Loomba, Jatinder; Rajdev,Deepshikha, Goyal, Saurabh, Jadon, Jagmohan; Neelmani, Kumar and Sonu Sidhwani (2015). Mutual Fund Performance: An Analysis in Indian Context. A Procedural Guide to Write Research Papers. Bharti Publications; ISBN 978-93-85000-07-2

20. Singh, Tarika and Monika Gupta (2015). Intellectual Capital & Firm Profitability: An Empirical Study on the IT Sector listed in NSE, Global Journal Of Multidisciplinary Studies. 4(4). ISSN No. 2348-0459

21. Singh, Tarika; Mehta , Seema and Manish Dubey (2015). “Measuring Difference in Genders on Confidence Related To Study and Performance: A Study of Management Students” in “Creative and Innovative Excellence for World In Motion”; Edited by Dr. S.S. Bhakar, Dr. Richa Banerjee, Dr. Amitabha Maheshwari and Prof. Sneha Rajput, page no.408-415, published by Bharti Publication, ISBN No.978-93-81212-98-1

22. Singh, Tarika; Bhatnagar Vinod; Varshneya, Preeti;Mohan, Gayatri; Jain, Pratibha, Chaudhari, Dattaram Jivram, Dixit, Archana, Maheshwari, Deepti; Gupta Monika and Chandani Pamnani. (2015).Impact of NPA on advances of Public Sector Banks in India. A Handbook on Writing Research Papers in Social Science. Bharti Publications; Edited by Dr. S.S. Bhakar and Dr. Navita Nathani. ISBN 978-93-85000-27-0. (106-119)

23. Singh, Tarika; Bhatnagar Vinod; Varshneya, Preeti;Mohan, Gayatri; Jain, Pratibha, Chaudhari, Dattaram Jivram, Dixit, Archana, Maheshwari, Deepti; Gupta Monika and Chandani Pamnani. (2015).Impact of MCX Turnover on GDP: A Bivariate Analysis. A Handbook on Writing Research Papers in Social Science. Bharti Publications; Edited by Dr. S.S. Bhakar and Dr. Navita Nathani ISBN 978-93-85000-27-0.(120-131)

24. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta (2015). Developing relationship between tax structure, pension funds and economic growth in oecd nations, JIMS8M: The Journal of Indian Management & Strategy; 20 (3), 34--41Print ISSN : 0973-9335. Online ISSN : 0973-9343. Article DOI : 10.5958/0973-9343.2015.00023.X Global Journal Of Multidisciplinary Studies. 4(4). ISSN No. 2348-0459

25. Singh, Tarika and Monika Gupta (2015). Intellectual Capital & Firm Profitability: An Empirical Study on the IT Sector listed in NSE, Global Journal Of Multidisciplinary Studies. 4(4). ISSN No. 2348-0459

26. Singh, Tarika, Sisodia, Prateek Singh and Sharma , Reena (2014). Self Perceived Employability: A Comparative Study of Management and Engineering Students, published in edited book  “ Global Advances and Innovations in IT and Management” Edited by Dr. S.S. Bhakar, Shailja Bhakar, page no.437-446, published by Bloomsbury Publication, ISBN No.978-93-82563-52-5.

27. Singh et al. (2014), " Volatility Spillovers between Equity Market and Currency Market: Evidence from Asian Nations"  GITAM Journal of management.”. 

28. Singh et al. (2014), “The Impact Of Use Of Social Networking Website On The Mindset Of The Youth In The Context Of Social Issues” in the edited book of International Conference on Reinventing Management Strategy naming  “Reinventing Management Strategies in Human Resource and Strategic Management”, Edited by Dr. Urvashi Makkar,, Dr. Rinku Sanjeev, Dr. Vijay Kumar Pandey and Prof. Rajnesh Jain,  IMS Ghaziabad: The Design for Future (IC-RMS 2013), IMS Gaziabaad,  ISBN:978-93-81212-35-6

29. Singh et al. (2014), “Scams And Their Impact On Stock Markets”, published in edited book  “”: Lesson Learnt” Edited by Dr. S.S. Bhakar, Shailja Bhakar, page no., published by  Publication, ISBN No.978-81-910494-2-8.

30. Singh et al. (2014), “Effect Of Bonus Issue Announcement On Stock Returns”, “A Handbook for Writing Research Papers ”, Bharti Publications; pp 77-86.ISBN 978-93-81212-51-6.

31. Singh et al. (2014), “Emergence of Hedge Funds: Implications on Indian Capital Market”,  published in edited book  “Sustainability Management and the Power of Innovation” Edited by Dr. S.S. Bhakar,Vinod K. Bhatnagar and Richa Banerjee, page no102-118., published by Bloomsbury Publication, ISBN No.978-93-82951-49-0.

32. Singh, Tarika, Sisodia, Prateek Singh and Sharma , Reena (2014). Self Perceived Employability: A Comparative Study of Management and Engineering Students, published in edited book  “ Global Advances and Innovations in IT and Management” Edited by Dr. S.S. Bhakar, Shailja Bhakar, page no.437-446, published by Bloomsbury Publication, ISBN No.978-93-82563-52-5.

33. Singh et al. (2014), " Volatility Spillovers between Equity Market and Currency Market: Evidence from Asian Nations" GITAM Journal of management.”

34. Singh et al. (2014), “Scams And Their Impact On Stock Markets”, published in edited book  “”: Lesson Learnt” Edited by Dr. S.S. Bhakar, Shailja Bhakar, page no., published by  Publication, ISBN No.978-81-910494-2-8.

35. Singh et al. (2014), “Effect Of Bonus Issue Announcement On Stock Returns”, “A Handbook for Writing Research Papers ”, Bharti Publications; pp 77-86.ISBN 978-93-81212-51-6

36. Singh, Tarika; Mehta, Seema and Pawan Kushwaha (2014), " Optimum Capital Structure and Firm's Characteristics : An Indepth Analysis in Indian Context”, FINANCE INDIA, December 2014 (Vol XXVIII No 4); ISSN:0970-3772

37. Singh, Tarika; Mehta, Seema; Kumar, Yogesh and Kalpana Yadav (2014). APPLICATION OF QUALITY GAP MODEL TO MEASURE QUALITY OF PHARMACIST’S SERVICE IN RETAIL PHARMACEUTICALSETTINGS. International Journal of Management and Information Technology- Sanchayan, ISSN: 2277-1689, Vol.3 (1) Jan - June 2014;62-77

38. Singh. Tarika and Mehta Seema. (2013). Mutual Funds Scheme Selection: A Financial Advisory's Perspective, Finance India: December 2013 (Vol XXVII No 4), 1243-1262.

39. Singh et al. (2013), “Derivative Introduction and Volatility: A Study in American Context ”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Management Review (APJMMR) Vol.2 Issue 7; July 2013 ISSN 2319 2836. Global Impact Factor (2012) Of Journal APJMMR Is 0.389

40. Singh et al. (2013), “Interest Rate And Exchange Rate Effect On Return Of Stock Indices”, SSIJBMR VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 4 [JUL 2013] ISSN 2231-4970.

41. Singh, Tarika (2013), “Further Evidence on the Information Content of Economic Value Added: Indian Evidence” Referred Journal Abhigyan; Vol.XXX No.4 (January-March 2013), pp 29-39.

42. Singh. Tarika and Mehta Seema. (2013). Mutual Funds Scheme Selection: A Financial Advisory's Perspective, Finance India.

43. Singh et al. (2013), “Derivative Introduction and Volatility: A Study in American Context ”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Management Review (APJMMR) Vol.2 Issue 7; July 2013 ISSN 2319 2836. Global Impact Factor (2012) Of Journal APJMMR Is 0.389

44. Singh et al. (2013), “Interest Rate And Exchange Rate Effect On Return Of Stock Indices”, SSIJBMR VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 4 [JUL 2013] ISSN 2231-4970.

45. Singh, Tarika (2013), “Further Evidence on the Information Content of Economic Value Added: Indian Evidence” Referred Journal Abhigyan; Vol.XXX No.4 (January-March 2013), pp 29-39.

46. Singh et al. (2012), “Corporate Governance and Market Valuation: A Study of PPCI Index”, International Journal of Management and Information Technology- Sanchayan, ISSN: 2231-5985, Vol1 issue 1.

47. Singh et al. (2012), “Corporate Governance and Linkage With Performance Measurement: Evidence From Indian Context”, International Journal of Research Finance and Marketing, ISSN: 2231-5985. Listed in –Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities, USA; U

48. Singh et al. (2012), “EVA in Pharma Sector: A Pre-Recession Study”, International Journal of Marketing and Technology; Vol 2(6); pp:95-120.. ISSN: 2249-1058. Listed in –Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities, USA; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.

49. Singh et al. (2012), “Scams and Their Impact on Stock Market”, Global Advances and Innovations in IT and Management, ISBN 978-93-82563-57-0, PG 106-120.

50. Singh et al. (2012), “Corporate Governance and Linkage with Performance Measurement: Evidence from Indian Context”, International Journal of Research Finance and Marketing, ISSN: 2231-5985. Listed in –Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities, USA; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.

51. Singh et al. (2012), “EVA VS Traditional Accounting Measures: A Pre-Recession Study in Pharma Sector”, International Journal of Marketing and Technology; Vol 2(6); pp:95-120.. ISSN: 2249-1058. Listed in –Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities, USA; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory. December 2013 (Vol XXVII No 4), 1243-1262.

52. 2012), “Scams and Their Impact on Stock Market”, Global Advances and Innovations in IT and Management, ISBN 978-93-82563-57-0, PG 106-120.

53. Singh et al. (2012), “Corporate Governance and Market Valuation: A Study of PPCI Index”, International Journal of Management and Information Technology- Sanchayan, ISSN: 2277-1689, Vol1 issue 1 (July-Dec. 2012).

54. Singh et al. (2012), “Corporate Governance and Linkage with Performance Measurement: Evidence from Indian Context”, International Journal of Research Finance and Marketing, ISSN: 2231-5985. Listed in –Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities, USA; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.

55. Singh, Tarika (2011), “Economic Value Added: A Conceptual Framework”, published in GYAN MANAGEMENT, Journal of Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology Mohali, India, June. International Biannual Refereed Journal of Management & Technology. Volum

56. Singh et al. (2011), “Comparative Analysis of Forecasting Ability of NN and ARIMA Model”, published in edited book “Transformation and Survival of Business Organizations: Challenges and Opportunities”, MACMILLAN Publication, ISBN No.935-059-061-1

57. Singh, Tarika and Deepali Gupta (2011), “ Relationship between Insurance Companies and Stock Index Returns: A Comparative Study of Istanbul Stock Exchange” published in edited book “Transformation and Survival of Business Organizations: Challenges and Opp

58. Singh, Tarika, Seema Mehta (2011), “Relationship between Stock Return and Stock Volume: A Causal Study”, published in edited book “Global Business Recession: Lesson Learnt” Edited by Dr. S.S. Bhakar, Navita Natahni, Tarika Singh ans Shailja Bhakar, page

59. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta (2011), “Relationship between Risk and Purchase Intention in an Online Context: Role of Gender and Product Category”, published in edited book “Global Business Recession: Lesson Learnt” Edited by Dr. S.S. Bhakar, Navita Nat

60. Bhakar, S.S.; Mehta, Seema; Singh, Tarika; Himashu Godhakar (2011), “Relationship between Risk and Purchase Intention in an Online Context: Role of Gender and Product Category”, ELK: Journal of Marketing & Retail Management, Published by ELK Education Con

61. Singh, Tarika and Deepali Gupta. (2011), “Economic Recession and Incidence of Debt Distress” in the book “Post Recessionary Economy: Movers & Moulders of Changing World” Edited by Dr. S.S. Bhakar Director Prestige institute of Management, Garima Mathur an

62. Singh, Tarika ; Mehta Seema; Raju, Srikant and Monika. (2011), “Self Employment Motivators: A Comparative Study Between Engineering and Management Students”, in the edited book “Post Recessionary Economy: Movers & Moulders of Changing World” Edited by Dr.

63. Singh, Tarika (2011), “Economic Value Added: A Conceptual Framework”, published in GYAN MANAGEMENT, Journal of Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology Mohali, India, June. International Biannual Refereed Journal of Management & Technology. Volume-5, Issue-1, Jan-June 2011; ISSN 0974-7621.

64. Bhakar, S.S.; Mehta, Seema; Singh, Tarika; Himashu Godhakar (2011), “Relationship between Risk and Purchase Intention in an Online Context: Role of Gender and Product Category”, ELK: Journal of Marketing & Retail Management, Published by ELK Education Consultants Pvt Ltd.(ISSN:0976-7193).

65. Singh, Tarika (2010), “Shareholder Value And The Articulation Of P/B: A Case Study Of Selected IT And FMCG Companies”, How to Write a Research Paper, Sponsored by AICTE.

66. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta (2010), “The Great Economic Crisis and its Impact on IT Sector”, ELK: Journal of Finance & Risk Management, Published by ELK Education Consultants Pvt Ltd.(ISSN:0976-7185).

67. S.S. Bhakar; Mehta, Seema; Singh, Tarika (2010), “Self and Game Personality Congruence as a Predictor of Game Selection: A Study of Teenagers”, Innovation and Adaptability: Twin Engines of Sustained Growth, Page No 179-194, Published by Excel Books(ISBN:9

68. Singh,Tarika , Mehta, Seema; Holani Umesh (2010), “Factors Affecting Satisfaction Level of Patients in Organised healthcare Sector: A Demographic Study”, Innovation and Adaptability: Twin Engines of Sustained Growth, Page No 220-230,Published by Excel Boo

69. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta (2010), “Customer Response Towards In store Retail Communication”, published in Jan-Jun issue of BVIMR Management Edge. ISSN No.   0976-0431

70. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta (2010), “The Great Economic Crisis and its Impact on IT Sector”, ELK: Journal of Finance & Risk Management, Published by ELK Education Consultants Pvt Ltd.(ISSN:0976-7185).

71. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta (2010), “Customer Response towards in store Retail Communication”, published in Jan-Jun issue of BVIMR Management Edge. ISSN No. 0976-0431.

72. Singh, Tarika. (2009). Role of Communication in Team Effectiveness: A Review in the book titled “Communication in a Globalize World: Challenges and Remedies”(Birla institute of technol81-100.ogy and science), Pillani, edited by Binod Mishra and Gajendra S

73. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta (2009), Factors Affecting Motivational Level of Employees- A Study of Retail Sector , Recent Practices In Retail In India” edited by Dr. R.K.Bharadwaj, Director General, Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad & Dr. Urvas

74. Singh, Tarika; Nathani, Navita; Vigg Silky. (2009), “Country of Origin Image as a Predictor of Country Image”, Management & Change: The Journal of IILM Institute for higher Education, Vol 12, No. 1.

75. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta. (2009), “CRM to e-CRM:Promises and Pitfalls” in the book “Key Drivers of Organisational Excellence” Edited by Dr. S.S. Bhakar Director Prestige institute of Management, Shilpa Sankpal and Saurabh Mukherjee, Page No 247-263.P

76. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta. (2008), “Trust as a predicator of Loyalty” in the book “Navigating Glocalisation through Quality Initiatives” Edited by Dr. IC Gupta, Director Prestige institute of Management, Indore, Page No 95-109,Published by Excel Books

77. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta. (2008), “Organizing Retailing: A case study of Indian Textile Industry” in the book “Mastering Change for organizational excellence” Edited by Dr. S.S. Bhakar Director Prestige institute of Management, Page No 117-134.Publis

78. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta. (2008), “Awareness of Corporate Governance Among Employees: A Study of Professionals and Non Professionals”, Apeejay Journal of Management and Technology, vol.3, no.2, pg 153-158.

79. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta. (2008), “Efficient Market Hypothesis: A Test of Weak Form with specific reference to NSE Stocks”, ACRM Journal of Management Research, March Volt 3(1), 9-17, ISSN No.0973-3523.

80. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta. (2008), “A Study of Disclosure Practices of Public, Private and Multinational Institution in India”, TECNIA Journal of Management Studies, October Vol 2(2), 42-54, ISSN No 20585.

81. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta. (2008), “Internet Usage Pattern among Management and Engineering Teachers”, published in the edited book of International Accounting Conference at Jaipur (5th –6th Jan. 2008).

82. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta. (2008), “Awareness of Corporate Governance Among Employees: A Study of Professionals and Non Professionals”, Apeejay Journal of Management and Technology, vol.3, no.2, pg 153-158.

83. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta. (2008), “Efficient Market Hypothesis: A Test of Weak Form with specific reference to NSE Stocks”, ACRM Journal of Management Research, March Volt 3(1), 9-17, ISSN No.0973-3523

84. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta. (2008), “A Study of Disclosure Practices of Public, Private and Multinational Institution in India”, TECNIA Journal of Management Studies, October Vol 2(2), 42-54, ISSN No 20585.

85. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta. (2007), “Factors Affecting Motivational Level of Employees- A Study of Retail Sector”, in the Edited Book “Recent Practices In Retail In India” edited by Dr. R.K.Bharadwaj, Director General, Institute of Management Studies,

86. Mehta Seema and Tarika Singh (2007), “Business from the Heart”, Souvenir GMA, All India Management Association, Page no 50.

87. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta. (2007), “Factors Affecting Motivational Level of Employees- A Study of Retail Sector”, Journal of IMS group, July-December Vol 4(2), 72-81, ISSN No.0973-824X

88. Mehta Seema and Tarika Singh (2007), “Business from the Heart”, Souvenir GMA, All India Management Association, Page no 50.

89. Singh, Tarika and Seema Mehta. (2007), “Factors Affecting Motivational Level of Employees- A Study of Retail Sector”, Journal of IMS group, July-December Vol 4(2), 72-81, ISSN No.0973-824X.